Wyoming Advance Health Care Directive Forms

Imagine that after an accident or an illness, you are now in a persistent vegetative state and unlikely to recover. Do you want your doctors to keep you alive by artificial means? You can put your instructions in an Advance Health Care Directive for Wyoming residents.

This package of forms includes:

  1. An introduction to the advance directive / living will, and an explanation of what it means.
  2. Instructions to help you complete and sign the documents so that they are valid under Wyoming law.
  3. A Living Will Declaration which sets out your instructions regarding life-sustaining procedures.
  4. A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care appointing an agent to make health care decisions for you.

You can download one package of Wyoming Advance Health Care Directive Forms for yourself and your spouse or partner. No need to purchase additional copies.

Making an Advance Directive can help to ensure that your family and your doctor know what your wishes are regarding medical treatment and life support if you are unable to communicate or make your own decisions.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 15-July-2016
SKU: 4734