Intellectual Property Forms

Your intellectual property is a valuable asset. Protect it with these customizable forms for copyright, trade mark and patent rights.

The World Intellectual Property Organization defines intellectual property (IP) as "creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce." This can mean a song, novel, film, technological invention, design, logo or brand, piece of software, or some other intellectual creation.

  • Copyright is the right to make copies of, to license and to exploit a literary, artistic or musical work. These rights belong to the creator unless and until assigned to another party, and extend for the life of the creator and for a period of 50 years thereafter.
  • Trademark or trade mark is a unique symbol, sign or phrase registered by a party to identify a product, service, or a range of products and services.
  • Patent is a set of rights granted by a government authority to the inventor or owner of a new technology or a new application of existing technology, which excludes others from manufacturing or using the patented technology. Patents expire after a period of years specified in the grant of patent.
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Acknowledgement of Joint Ownership of Intellectual Property

Protect your company's rights in technology developed by an employee with this Acknowledgement of Joint Ownership of Intellectual Property.

  • If your employees are actively involved in the development and creation of intellectual property as a function of their job, they should sign an Acknowledgement of Joint Ownership form.
  • The employee acknowledges that certain materials developed during the course of his or her employment are jointly owned by the employee and the employer, including any intellectual property rights in the materials.
  • Failure to get it in writing could result in lengthy and expensive legal claims.
  • The Acknowledgement form is generic (not specific to any country) and can be used anywhere.
  • This is a reusable legal form. Buy it, download it, and use it as often as you need to.

Assignment of Copyright and Waiver of Moral Rights | Canada

Canadian publishers, prepare an Assignment of Copyright and Waiver of Moral Rights for an author with this downloadable template.

  • The author of a work assigns his/her right and title to copyright in the work to a third party, and waives his/her moral rights in the work, pursuant to the Canada Copyright Act.
  • An author's "moral rights" consist of the right to be identified as the creator of a work and the right to object to derogatory treatment of a work which the author feels is prejudicial or detrimental to his/her reputation.
  • Moral rights do not transfer with the ownership of the copyright, but they can be waived by the author.
  • This Assignment of Copyright and Waiver of Moral Rights form is a Canadian legal document which can be used in any province or territory of Canada. A French language translation may be required for Quebec.
  • You can download the form immediately after purchasing it.

Bailment Agreement for Evaluation of Products

Prepare a Bailment Agreement for products that will be sent to another party for evaluation with this easy downloadable template.

  • This contract form can be used for situations where a third party will take possession of software, hardware, equipment or other products in order to evaluate them for specific purposes.
  • The bailor (owner of the items) retains full title to the goods being bailed. The bailee agrees not to sell, transfer, encumber or subject the bailed property to any legal process.
  • The bailor agrees that any part of the bailed property that is installed on the bailee's lands would cause damage to the lands or building, title to that portion of the bailed property will pass to the bailee.
  • The bailed property is provided "as is" and without any warranty of any kind, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
  • The bailee and its employees, contractors and agents are bound by confidentiality provisions.
  • The bailee is under no obligation to purchase any goods from, or have any future business dealings, with the bailor.
  • This legal contract template is available as a downloadable MS Word file.
  • This is a generic form which does not contain references to the laws of any specific country or region.

Cease and Desist Letter for Copyright Infringement | Canada

Issue a Cease and Desist Letter for Copyright Infringement with this template for copyrights registered in Canada.

  • The Cease and Desist Letter can be prepared and sent to the infringing party by either yourself as the owner of the copyright, or by your lawyer. It contains the following:
    • details of the owner's copyright in the work (written, music, art, video, etc),
    • details of the infringing use of the work,
    • a demand to cease and desist from any further distribution or other use of the copyrighted material,
    • a demand that the infringing party provide information concerning the extent of the use, together with all undistributed copies of the material.
  • This template is available as a downloadable MS Word document and is fully customizable to fit your specific circumstances.
  • Intended to be used only for Canadian copyrights.

Cease and Desist Letter re Copyright Infringement | USA

Is a third party is infringing on your copyright for written works, artwork, images or video? Issue a Cease and Desist Letter with this downloadable template for U.S. copyrights.

  • The letter may be prepared by either yourself as the owner of the copyright, or by your attorneys.
  • It contains the following:
    • details of the owner's copyright,
    • the owner's infringement claim against the third party,
    • a demand to cease and desist from any further distribution or other use of the copyrighted material,
    • a demand that the infringing party provide information concerning the extent of the use, together with all undistributed copies of the material.
  • This Cease and Desist Letter template contains references to US copyright laws.
  • The form is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.

Cease and Desist Letter re Infringing Domain Name | USA

Write a Cease and Desist Letter to a party infringing on your trademark through an unauthorized domain name with this easy template for USA trademarks.

  • This type of infringement is in violation of the United States Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. 'Cybersquatting' is the use of a domain name that incorporates a trademark, without the consent and authorization of the registered owner of the trademark.
  • The Cease and Desist Letter may be prepared by either yourself as the owner of the trademark, or by your attorneys. The letter covers the following matters:
    • establishing ownership of the trademark,
    • how the trademark is being used in connection with the registered owner's website,
    • details of the infringement claim,
    • a demand that the infringing party cease and desist from using the domain name,
    • a demand that the infringing party promptly transfer the infringing domain to the trademark owner.
  • This Cease and Desist Letter re Infringing Domain Name template references the laws of the United States and is intended to be used only in connection with trademarks registered under U.S. law.
  • The form is provided in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.

Cease and Desist Letter re Software Copyright | USA

Issue a Cease and Desist Letter to a party that is infringing on your software copyright with this fully editable template for USA copyright owners.

  • The letter may be prepared by either yourself, as the owner of the copyright, or by your attorneys.
  • It covers the following items:
    • establishment of ownership of the copyright,
    • details of the infringement claim,
    • a demand to cease and desist from any further use of the copyrighted software,
    • a demand that the infringing party provide information about the scope of use, together with all undistributed copies of the software.
  • This Cease and Desist Letter makes reference to U.S. copyright laws and can be used with respect to any copyright registered in the United States.
  • The form letter is available in MS Word format and can be easily modified to fit your unique needs. Other formats available on request.

Checklist for Trade Mark Application | Canada

Track all the steps you have taken in submitting a trade mark application to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office with this easy-to-use Checklist for Trade Mark Application.

  • Use the checklist to record:
    • document filings,
    • correspondence and
    • other steps taken during the application to the Trade Mark division, and
    • includes steps for follow-up after the trade mark has been registered.
  • This free downloadable form is available as a MS Word template.
  • This checklist only considers the procedure for applications made in Canada.

Confidentiality Agreement for Invention

Don't let others steal your invention. Protect your rights with this Confidentiality Agreement form.

  • The Confidentiality Agreement should be signed by any party who is interested in evaluating your invention for the possibility of developing, financing, marketing, manufacturing, producing or distributing it.
  • The interested party agrees not to disclose any confidential information provided by the Inventor.
  • The interested party agrees to use the confidential information solely to evaluate the opportunity and possibilities for the invention.
  • The interested party also agrees not to remove or interfere with any proprietary rights notices placed by the inventor, to store all confidential information in a safe and secure place, and not to develop, manufacture or reverse engineer the invention.
  • If the interested party decides not to proceed with manufacturing the invention, it covenants that it will not make, use or sell any invention, product, service or process derived from its testing of the invention or from the inventor's disclosure.
  • Buy and download your own copy of the Confidentiality Agreement form. Insist on getting a signed copy first before you submit your invention to anyone for evaluation.

Confidentiality Agreement for Joint Research Project | New Zealand

Prepare a mutual Confidentiality Agreement for parties in a joint research project with this easy to use template for New Zealand.

  • Each party agrees to keep confidential any information disclosed by the other party and to use the information solely for the purposes of the research project.
  • Each party will limit access to confidential information only to those persons who need to have access. Each of such persons will be bound by the same confidentiality obligations.
  • No rights of any kind are granted to either party other than as specifically set out in the Agreement.
  • This downloadable Confidentiality Agreement form can be easily modified to fit your unique circumstances.