Cease and Desist Letter re Software Copyright | USA

Issue a Cease and Desist Letter to a party that is infringing on your software copyright with this fully editable template for USA copyright owners.

  • The letter may be prepared by either yourself, as the owner of the copyright, or by your attorneys.
  • It covers the following items:
    • establishment of ownership of the copyright,
    • details of the infringement claim,
    • a demand to cease and desist from any further use of the copyrighted software,
    • a demand that the infringing party provide information about the scope of use, together with all undistributed copies of the software.
  • This Cease and Desist Letter makes reference to U.S. copyright laws and can be used with respect to any copyright registered in the United States.
  • The form letter is available in MS Word format and can be easily modified to fit your unique needs. Other formats available on request.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 02-July-2018
SKU: 6572