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    Should You Consider a Reverse Mortgage as a Source of Retirement Income?
    0 Should You Consider a Reverse Mortgage as a Source of Retirement Income?

    For most people, their largest asset is the equity in their principal residence. This is generally considered a lifestyle asset, not an income producing asset. If you are at least age 55 (Canada) or age 62 (USA) and want to continue to live in your own home, a reverse mortgage can create income for your retirement by giving you a way to access part of the equity in your home without having to sell or move.

    Reduce Your Investment Risk Through Diversification
    0 Reduce Your Investment Risk Through Diversification

    You cannot invest capital without being exposed to one or more types of risk. It’s impossible to avoid risk entirely – but you can manage that risk through diversification of your assets. We’ve all heard the expression “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” The objective is to ensure that no single event could significantly reduce the value of your assets.

    Five major risks of investing are:

    • Capital Risk - the loss of a portion of your investment capital on equity investments due to decli...
    Evaluating a Business to Purchase - 16 Questions to Ask When Buying a Business
    0 Evaluating a Business to Purchase - 16 Questions to Ask When Buying a Business

    Are you thinking of buying an existing business? There are number of issues you should consider.Get the answers to the following 16 questions during your due diligence review. The answers will help you to determine whether the business is a sound investment.

    How to Protect Your Business From Creditors
    0 How to Protect Your Business From Creditors

    One of the biggest risks for any small business owner is the possibility of facing a lawsuit or a debt collection from creditors. If you have invested a lot of your personal assets into your business, you may lose them if your business becomes insolvent or bankrupt. Therefore, it is important to take proactive steps to protect your business from creditors before any financial problems arise. Here are some strategies that you can consider to safeguard your business assets and your investment from...

    Using AI-Generated Content: What Are Your Legal Obligations?
    0 Using AI-Generated Content: What Are Your Legal Obligations?

    The ever-increasing reliance of content producers on artificial intelligence apps to generate content for online use begs the question of what legal obligations and liability risks arise from the use of that content.

    The statutory and regulatory requirements governing the use of AI to generate online content varies widely by jurisdiction. While there is no universal set of laws, certain general legal principles apply across the spectrum.

    1. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

    When an A...

    Tips to Help You Achieve Your Investment Goals While Avoiding the Pitfalls
    0 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Investment Goals While Avoiding the Pitfalls

    Investing can be a powerful tool for building wealth and achieving financial security.

    However, it’s essential – especially for rookie investors – to set clear investment goals and develop a well-thought-out strategy to reduce risk and sidestep the common pitfalls.

    1. Define Your Investment Goals

    The first step in any investment journey is to define your goals. What is the principal purpose of the investment? Is it to accumulate a nest egg for retirement, a down payment on a house, or your ch...

    Seasons Greetings!
    0 Seasons Greetings!

       Whatever you are celebrating this season, we wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday spent with those you hold dear.

       May the New Year bring you peace, happiness and love!

    Get That Damage Deposit Back with This Simple Move-Out Checklist
    0 Get That Damage Deposit Back with This Simple Move-Out Checklist

    You've given notice to your landlord and now it's time for you to move. Are you worried about getting your damage deposit back? If you follow this checklist, your landlord will not only have no reason to deduct money from your deposit, but they will recommend you to other landlords as an exemplary tenant!

    Understanding the Relationship Between Franchisor and Franchisee
    0 Understanding the Relationship Between Franchisor and Franchisee

    The key to fostering a mutually profitable franchise relationship is understanding (i) the basic principals of franchising and (ii) how the franchisor and franchisee work together toward a common goal – the success of the franchise business.

    An Incorporation Checklist for U.S. Corporations
    0 An Incorporation Checklist for U.S. Corporations

    If you're planning to incorporate a company in the United States, this checklist will help guide you through the process by outlining the information and documents you will need. Although each state has its own procedures, the basics of incorporating a company are much the same throughout the country.

    Information Required Prior to Filing the Incorporation Application

    • Reserve the proposed name of the corporation and any additional trade names under which the corporation will be doing business...