Exchanges and Refunds

We want you to be satisfied with everything you buy from

customer satisfaction meter

We're committed to providing superior service to our customers. We believe that each transaction should be a great experience for our customers, and to achieve that we listen and respond to our customer feedback. A happy client is a repeat client.

If you find you can't use the document you purchased, let us know and we will either replace it with another document which is more appropriate to your needs, or issue you a refund for the document.

To get an exchange or refund:

Email us at with the following information:

  • the name and email of the person who made the purchase
  • date of purchase
  • name of the item purchased

Request for refunds must be received WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS of the date of purchase.

To cancel a Discount Plan:

Your Discount Plan charges are payable in advance. If you terminate your customer account, you will receive a refund for any unused portion of a prepaid Discount Plan which exceeds $10. If you violate any of's online policies or terms and conditions of use, has the right to cancel your customer account. In such event, you agree that you will not be entitled to a refund of any unused portion of your prepaid Discount Plan, and you agree to forfeit such refund to as liquidated damages and not as a penalty.

If you have a problem downloading:

If you are unable to download a document you have purchased, or if you have misplaced an earlier download, simply contact us by email at with your name, email address, name of the document, and the date of your original purchase. We can then forward you the document you purchased.

Dispute resolution:

If you dispute any amount charged to your credit card, you must notify us by email at WITHIN 30 DAYS of the date the amount was charged.