Nova Scotia

Prepare notices to serve on your tenant or your landlord with these downloadable Landlord and Tenant Notice Forms for Nova Scotia.

The Residential Tenancies Act of Nova Scotia stipulates when and how either the landlord or the tenant needs to give formal written notice to the other party, such as:

  • when one of the parties wants to terminate the tenancy,
  • if the tenant has failed to pay the rent on time,
  • if either party has failed to perform its obligations under the lease or tenancy agreement,
  • if major renovations are necessary which require the premises to be empty,
  • if the landlord needs to enter the premises to inspect or repair or to show the premises to a prospective tenant or buyer.

The Act sets out the manner in which notice must be given, and the time period which must be given for the other party to respond to the notice.

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Nova Scotia Application to Director of Residential Tenancies

Landlords and tenants in Nova Scotia can make an application to the Director of Residential Tenancies with this free Application Form J.

  • The application form may be used by either the landlord or the tenant in an attempt to resolve a dispute between the parties.
  • The form contains instructions to help you fill it out.
  • It also lists the circumstances in which you should NOT use this particular form and tells you which form should be used instead.
  • Nova Scotia Application to Director of Residential Tenancies, available as a PDF fill-in form. Revised Nov 2012.

Nova Scotia Notice to Quit - Additional Circumstances

Nova Scotia landlords can terminate a tenancy for reasons other than rent arrears or breaches by serving the tenant with this Form F, Landlord's Notice to Quit - Additional Circumstances.

  • There are instructions included in the document which explain how to complete and serve the document on your tenant.
  • The Notice can only be given in the circumstances outlined in subsections 10(7), 10(7A), and clauses 10(8)(a),(b) and (c) and 10(9)(c) of the Residential Tenancies Act.
  • Nova Scotia Landlord's Notice to Quit - Additional Circumstances, Form F can be downloaded via the link.

Nova Scotia Notice to Quit by Tenant's Personal Representative

The executor of a tenant who has died can terminate the lease early by serving the landlord with this Form I Tenant's Notice to Quit for Nova Scotia.

  • The Notice is given under Section 10E of the Residential Tenancies Act.
  • This form is only used in circumstances where the personal representative is ending the tenancy early because the tenant has passed away.
  • The Notice contains instructions as to how the form must be completed and served on the landlord.
  • The form can be downloaded via the link provided.
  • For use only in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Nova Scotia Notice to Quit for Breach

Has your tenant breached a statutory condition of the rental contract? Serve them with this Landlord's Notice to Quit for Breach, Form E under the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act.

  • The Notice is given under subsections 10(7B) and (7C) of the Act.
  • The form contains instructions to help the landlord complete the document and serve it on the tenant.
  • There are separate instructions for landlords of land lease communities (mobile home parks).
  • Keep a copy of the signed form for your records.
  • Nova Scotia Landlord's Notice to Quit for Breach of Statutory Condition, Form E can be downloaded directly from the link.

Nova Scotia Notice to Quit for Rental Arrears

Have you got a tenant who is 15 days behind in the rent? Serve them with this Form D Landlord's Notice to Quit for Rental Arrears.

  • The Notice is given under subsection 10(6) of the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act.
  • The form contains instructions to help the landlord complete and serve the document on the tenant, as well as information for the tenant on what to do after receiving the Notice.
  • You should keep a copy of the signed form for your records.
  • Nova Scotia Landlord's Notice to Quit for Rental Arrears, Form D in PDF format. Last update Nov 2012.

Nova Scotia Notice to Tenant of Sale of Rental Premises

Give notice to your tenants that their rental property has been sold with this Nova Scotia Notice to Tenant of Sale of Rental Premises form.

  • The Notice must be served on every tenant to fulfill the requirement for formal written notice of the sale.
  • The tenant is instructed to pay rent to the new owner.
  • The Notice also includes a Record of Service form.
  • This is a downloadable legal form template which can be used by both landlords and rental property managers.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
$6.29 $4.99

Nova Scotia Sale of Abandoned Tenant Property Forms

Has your tenant moved out and left personal property behind? If you plan to sell it you must first file these forms with the Department of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations.

  • Under the Residential Tenancies Act 1989, the landlord may sell any personal property abandoned by a tenant at the expiry or termination of a tenancy.
  • The Inventory Form contains a list of the property and where it will be stored.
  • The Accounting of Sale Form contains a detailed listing of any property sold and a calculation of sale proceeds less expenses.
  • The landlord must forward the net proceeds of the sale to the Department along with the Accounting of Sale form.
  • These Nova Scotia Sale of Abandoned Tenant Property Forms are provided in MS Word format.

Nova Scotia Tenant's Notice to Quit

Give notice to your landlord that you are moving out at the end of the current lease term by serving them with this Form C Tenant's Notice to Quit.

  • Notice is given in accordance with section 10(1) and 10(3) of the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act.
  • If there are multiple tenants, be aware that this Notice form ends the tenancy for ALL tenants and not just one.
  • The Notice contains instructions on how to complete the form and serve it on your landlord.
  • The form can be used to end a monthly, weekly or yearly tenancy, or for a manufactured home tenancy.
  • Form C Tenant's Notice to Quit can be downloaded directly from the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Program website by clicking the Download link.

Nova Scotia Tenant's Notice to Quit - Early Termination

Notify your landlord that you must terminate your lease early by serving them with this Tenant's Notice to Quit - Early Termination, Forms G and H.

  • The Notice is given in accordance with section 10B, 10C or 10D of the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act.
  • The Act only allows you to terminate your lease early for certain health-related reasons.
  • The form contains instructions about what other documents you will need to send to your landlord along with the Notice to Quit.
  • The form also tells you how to complete the form if there are other people living with you in the leased premises.
  • Nova Scotia Tenant's Notice to Quit - Early Termination, Forms G and H.