Name someone to make decisions for you if you become unable to do so with a Power of Attorney Form for the Northwest Territories.

The Powers of Attorney Act governs the making of powers of attorney in the Territory. The Act allows for two types of power of attorney (POA) - a springing POA and an enduring POA. A springing POA becomes effective either on a specified date or upon the occurrence of a specified event (such as if you become incapacitated). An enduring POA becomes effective as soon as it is signed and continues in effect until you revoke it or until your death.

NWT law does not require you to register your power of attorney anywhere, but you should make sure that the person you appointed as your attorney has a copy. Also give a copy to any person or firm (such as your bank) which may need to rely on it.

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NWT Enduring Power of Attorney

Make an Enduring Power of Attorney with this easy-to-use fill-in form for Northwest Territories residents.

  • An enduring power of attorney (also called an EPA) takes effect as soon as it is signed, and continues in effect until you die, unless you revoke it.
  • The form includes instructions and explanatory notes to assist you in preparing the document.
  • You can appoint one person to act singly, or two or more persons to act jointly as your attorney(s). You can also choose to name alternates to take over if one of the original appointees can no longer act.
  • The form also includes an Attorney's Acceptance of Appointment form, which should be signed by each person you name in the document.
  • This legal document should only be used in the territory of Northwest Territories, Canada.
  • This is a fill-in PDF form that is easy to download and use.

NWT Personal Directive

Put your instructions for medical treatment in writing and name someone to make health care decisions for you with this Personal Directive form for Northwest Territories residents.

  • A Personal Directive allows you the opportunity to set out your wishes regarding what types of medical treatment you want or don't want, in the event that you are diagnosed with a terminal condition or are in a coma with no real chance of recovery.
  • You can name someone you trust to act as your agent to give consent and make medical and personal care decisions on your behalf if you are unable to, due to incapacity or medical condition.
  • The form also includes information and instructions to help you complete your Personal Directive.
  • Updated 2019 to ensure compliance with the Personal Directives Act.
  • This legal document should only be used in the Territory of Northwest Territories, Canada.

NWT Revocation of Power of Attorney

Cancel your Power of Attorney with this Revocation of Power of Attorney form for NWT residents.

  • So long as you have mental capacity and can understand the impact of what you are doing, you have the right to cancel an existing Power of Attorney at any time, and revoke the powers you gave to your agent (attorney).
  • Once you have signed the form, give a copy of it to the attorney.
  • You should also give a copy to any banks, financial institutions, medical facilities, etc. that had a copy of your original Power of Attorney.
  • The form should be signed in front of a witness, and includes an Affidavit of Attestation to be sworn by the witness.
  • This is a free downloadable legal form in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used in the Northwest Territories, Canada.

NWT Springing Power of Attorney

Make a Springing Power of Attorney with this easy-to-use template for Northwest Territories residents.

  • A springing power of attorney only takes effect upon a date that you specify or upon the occurrence of a specific event, such as if you were judged mentally incapacitated. You must state the date or event in your Power of Attorney.
  • The form includes instructions and explanatory notes to assist you in preparing the document.
  • You can appoint one person to act singly, or two or more persons to act jointly as your attorney(s). You can also choose to name alternates to take over if one of the original appointees can no longer act.
  • The form also includes an Attorney's Acceptance of Appointment form, which should be signed by each person you name as your attorney or alternate.
  • This legal form should only be used in the Territory of Northwest Territories, Canada.
  • The form is available in MS Word format.