Saskatchewan Lien Forms
Saskatchewan contractors and suppliers, protect your lien rights, file your lien claims, and release liens against property with these ready-made forms.
The Builders' Lien Act governs lien claims in the Province of Saskatchewan. In order to claim a lien, you must have performed work, rendered services, or supplied materials or equipment to complete improvements to a property, whether the performance of provision of the work, services, materials or equipment was contracted by the owner or by the general contractor or a subcontractor.
The term 'improvements' includes construction, renovation, repairs and additions on or to a property. Lien claims must be for $100 or more, and must be registered within 40 days of the date on which the work is completed or the last of the materials or services is provided.
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Saskatchewan Lien Claim Forms Package
Preserve your lien rights and file your claims with this Lien Claim Forms Package under The Saskatchewan Builders' Lien Act. The package contains the following forms:
- Written Notice of Lien (Form A),
- Certificate of Substantial Performance of Contract (Form C.1),
- Certificate of Substantial Performance of Subcontract (Form C),
- Claim of Lien (Form E).
The Saskatchewan Lien Claim Forms Package can be used by both general contractors and subcontractors. Get yours today.
Saskatchewan Lien Discharge Forms Package
Saskatchewan contractors, if you have received a progress payment or full payment for your services and materials, you can release your lien rights with this Lien Discharge Forms Package, which contains the following items:
- Partial Discharge of Lien as it Relates to Amount (Form L),
- Partial Discharge of Lien as it Relates to Land (Form M),
- Discharge of Lien (Form N).
Buy the Saskatchewan Lien Discharge Forms Package, download the file, use the forms as often as your business requires. No need to buy multiple copies, no restocking or re-ordering.
Saskatchewan Notice to Landlord of Tenant Improvements
Saskatchewan contractors, give notice to a landlord that you are supplying labour or materials for a tenant's improvements with this Notice to Landlord form.
- The Notice is given in accordance with The Builders' Lien Act of Saskatchewan.
- The form also includes an Endorsement by Landlord, which states that the landlord assumes no responsibility for the improvements.
- This is a reusable lien form - buy it, download it, use it as often as you require.
- Available in MS Word format and easy to use and customize.
- For use only in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.