Prince Edward Island
Prepare notices to serve on a tenant or landlord in Prince Edward Island with these easy-to-use downloadable Landlord and Tenant Notice Forms.
Prince Edward Island's Residential Tenancy Act stipulates when and how either the landlord or the tenant needs to give formal written notice to the other party, such as:
- when one of the parties wants to terminate the tenancy,
- if the tenant has failed to pay the rent on time,
- if either party has failed to perform its obligations under the lease or tenancy agreement,
- if the landlord wants to increase the rent,
- if the landlord needs to enter the premises to inspect or repair or to show the premises for any purpose that is allowed under the Act.
The Act sets out the manner in which notice must be given, and the time period which must be given for the other party to respond to the notice.
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PEI Notice of Intention to Retain Security Deposit
If you plan to keep all or part of your tenant's security deposit, you must serve them with this Notice of Intention to Retain Security Deposit under the PEI Rental of Residential Property Act.
- The Notice sets out how much of the deposit will be kept by the landlord, and for what reason(s).
- You must also inform the tenant how much interest accrued on the deposit, and how much they are getting back.
- The balance of the security deposit must be included with the Notice.
- The tenant has 15 days from receipt of the Notice to apply for a determination of the matter.
- Form 8, available as a downloadable PDF file.
- For use only in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
PEI Notice of Rent Increase
Before you can raise the rent on a rental unit in PEI, you must serve your tenant with this Form 10 Notice of Increase in Rent form.
- The landlord must inform the tenant:
- how much the increase is,
- what the new rent will be,
- how much of a percentage increase this is,
- what the maximum increase is under Section 13 of the Regulations to the Act,
- the date that the rent for the property was last increased.
- The lessee (tenant) has the right to have the rental increase reviewed by the Director of Residential Rental Property within 10 days after receiving the notice.
- Form 10 under the Rental of Residential Property Act, available in PDF format.
- Intended for use only in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
PEI Notice of Termination by Lessee (Tenant)
Notify your landlord that you are ending your tenancy by serving them with this Notice of Termination by Lessee for Prince Edward Island.
- You can use this free Form 3 Notice more than once. Save it after you download it and reuse it as often as you need to.
- The Notice must be completed and served as described in Section 11 of the REntal of Residential Property Ace and Section 5 of the Regulations.
- If you don't give proper notice, your landlord may be able to claim damages against you.
- Free Form 3 Prince Edward Island Notice of Termination by Lessee, available as a PDF download. Print it, fill it in, serve it on your landlord.
PEI Notice of Termination by Lessor
Do you have a tenant you need to get rid of? Serve them with this Notice of Termination by Lessor of Rental Agreement for Prince Edward Island.
- This Notice of Termination can be used by landlords to terminate the tenancy of tenants who:
- have not paid the rent,
- have behaved in a manner that has disrupted other tenants,
- have damaged the rental property or failed to keep it clean,
- failed to pay the damage deposit,
- misrepresented the property to a potential renter or purchaser,
- endangered the safety or impaired the legal rights of the landlord or other tenants,
- have too many people living in the premises,
- are in violation of provincial health or safety standards,
- assigned or sublet the premises without permission,
- for other reasons allowed under the Rental of Residential Property Act.
- Form 4 is a free PDF download.
- Intended for use only in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
PEI Notice to Tenant of Sale of Rental Premises
Give notice to your tenants that the property they are renting has been sold with this Prince Edward Island Notice to Tenant of Sale of Rental Premises.
- The tenant is instructed to pay rent to the new owner.
- The Notice also includes a Record of Service form.
- This is a reusable landlord-tenant notice. Buy it, download it, use it as often as you need to.
- This legal form template is provided in MS Word format.
- Intended to be used only in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada.