Products tagged with 'estate planning form'

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Alberta Personal Directive Form

What would happen if you suddenly became unable to look after yourself? Make your wishes known ahead of time with this Personal Directive form for Alberta residents.

  • In a Personal Directive (sometimes called an advance health care directive or a living will), you appoint someone you trust as your agent to make personal care decisions on your behalf if you have been determined to lack capacity to make those decisions for yourself.
  • Using this form you can give your agent detailed instructions and set out your wishes regarding:
    • health care,
    • accommodation,
    • persons you can live and associate with,
    • participation in social activities,
    • educational activities,
    • employment activities,
    • legal matters, and
    • other non-financial personal matters.
  • This Personal Directive is a free fillable PDF form from the Government of Alberta, Form OPG5521 rev. 2016-06.

Manitoba General Enduring Power of Attorney

Appoint someone you trust to handle your financial affairs with this Manitoba General Enduring Power of Attorney, under the Powers of Attorney Act.

  • Everyone should make a Power of Attorney. It's an essential part of your estate planning.
  • The person you appoint as your attorney will have the power and authority to handle your money, assets and property.
  • The Power of Attorney does NOT grant your attorney the authority to make medical or personal life style decisions for you.
  • The form includes:
    • Affidavit of Execution for the witness,
    • Homesteads Act consent form,
    • notes and instructions to help you understand and complete your Power of Attorney.
  • This General Enduring Power of Attorney form is for use in the Province of Manitoba, Canada.

A Power of Attorney can give you peace of mind knowing that no matter what, your financial affairs will be looked after. Get the form and make your Power of Attorney today.


Irrevocable Discretionary Trust Deed | Canada

Set up an Irrevocable Discretionary Trust with this template trust deed for Canada.

  • A discretionary trust is also called a blind trust because the beneficiary has no information about the assets in the trust or how the trust is administered.
  • The settlor (the person setting up the trust) is the sole beneficiary of the trust and cannot act as a trustee.
  • The division date will occur either upon the death of the beneficiary or on the 21-year anniversary of the establishment of the trust, whichever is earlier.
  • The settlor reserves no powers or rights, and shall receive no benefits, income or capital of the trust fund in his/her capacity as settlor.
  • This trust cannot be revoked.
  • During the lifetime of the settlor, no income or capital of the trust shall be distributed to the settlor's spouse or a minor child of the settlor unless the distribution does not result in attribution of income or gain to the settlor under the Income Tax Act (Canada).
  • This Irrevocable Discretionary Trust Deed is a good strategy to use when it's important that the beneficiary not be aware of what assets are held in the trust so as to avoid any claims of conflict of interest.

NWT Enduring Power of Attorney

Make an Enduring Power of Attorney with this easy-to-use fill-in form for Northwest Territories residents.

  • An enduring power of attorney (also called an EPA) takes effect as soon as it is signed, and continues in effect until you die, unless you revoke it.
  • The form includes instructions and explanatory notes to assist you in preparing the document.
  • You can appoint one person to act singly, or two or more persons to act jointly as your attorney(s). You can also choose to name alternates to take over if one of the original appointees can no longer act.
  • The form also includes an Attorney's Acceptance of Appointment form, which should be signed by each person you name in the document.
  • This legal document should only be used in the territory of Northwest Territories, Canada.
  • This is a fill-in PDF form that is easy to download and use.

Connecticut Durable Statutory Long Form Power of Attorney

Connecticut residents, plan for unforeseen future events with a Durable Statutory Long Form Power of Attorney.

  • This is a durable power of attorney which becomes effective immediately, unless you specify otherwise.
  • You can grant your attorney-in-fact (agent) the power to deal with a number of matters for you, including:
    • your real estate property,
    • banking and financial transactions,
    • stocks and bonds,
    • personal property,
    • insurance,
    • pension and employment benefits,
    • tax and legal matters,
    • your business affairs and operations.
  • This Power of Attorney does NOT give your attorney-in-fact the authority to make your health care or medical decisions. You should consider making an Advance Health Care Directive (Living Will) to address those issues.
  • The form includes information for your agent.
  • Available in MS Word format, easy to fill in and print.
  • Intended to be used only in the State of Connecticut.

Certificate of Non-Revocation of Power of Attorney | New Zealand

Have you been appointed as an attorney under a New Zealand Enduring Power of Attorney?

  • From time to time you may need to give proof that the Power of Attorney is still valid.
  • Use this free Certificate of Non-Revocation and Non-Suspension of Enduring Power of Attorney form as evidence of its validity.
  • Just complete and sign it according to the directions and provide it to the party requesting proof that your appointment has not been revoked.
  • This is a free downloadable form available from the New Zealand Ministry of Justice.