Canada Corporate Forms
Incorporate your company and prepare your corporate Minute Book with these easy to use forms for Canadian companies.
- Prepare incorporation forms and related documents.
- Downloadable template forms for Canadian federal companies and for each province and territory.
- Find resolutions and corporate approvals to organize a new corporation, appoint directors and officers, issue shares, give notice of meetings, prepare minutes for director and shareholder meetings, and generally conduct the corporation's affairs.
To find incorporation information and forms for each jurisdiction, click on the relevant link below.
Government of Canada - Steps to incorporate a federal business corporation
Alberta - How to incorporate in the Province of Alberta
British Columbia - Information on the types of companies that can be formed in BC
Manitoba - Incorporating under The Corporations Act
New Brunswick - Corporate Registry FAQs about incorporating
Newfoundland and Labrador - Incorporating a company
Northwest Territories - Information on incorporating a corporation
Nova Scotia - Business incorporation and registration
Nunavut - Corporate Registries forms and information
Ontario - How to incorporate a business corporation
Prince Edward Island - Choosing your business structure in PEI
Saskatchewan - How to register a business or incorporate
Quebec - How to constitute a business corporation
Yukon - Forms (listed alphabetically) - search for Business Corporations Act
Agenda for Annual Shareholders Meeting | Canada
Set the agenda for an annual shareholders meeting of a Canadian corporation with this template form and procedural guide.
- The agenda form covers:
- the items of business that are required to be dealt with in the meeting (such as the annual election of the directors),
- a set of guidelines for conducting the meeting, and
- the procedure for taking a poll if any shareholder requests a poll to be taken.
- This is a reusable and fully editable form in MS Word format.
- Intended for use only for companies incorporated in Canada under a provincial or federal Business Corporations Act.
Alberta Consent of Non-Voting Shareholder to Waive Audit Requirement
Prepare a Consent of Non-Voting Shareholder for an Alberta corporation with this free template form.
- This form is to be used at the annual shareholder meeting.
- All of the shareholders, including those without voting privileges, must waive the appointment of an auditor under the provisions of the Alberta Business Corporations Act.
- This is a free reusable template available in MS Word format.
Alberta Consent to Act as Director or Officer
Prepare a Consent to Act as Director or Officer with this template form for Alberta corporations.
- Each person being elected as a director or appointed as an officer must provide the corporation with a signed Consent to Act before taking up their duties.
- This template can be re-used as often as required.
- Download the free Consent to Act as Director or Officer form by clicking the 'Download' button.
- Available in MS Word format.
- Intended for use only by corporations incorporated in the Province of Alberta, Canada.
Alberta General By-law of Business Corporation
Every new business corporation incorporated in Alberta must adopt this general by-law (By-law No. 1) to set out how the company's affairs will be conducted.
- The corporate by-laws form part of the company's governing documents, together with the Articles of Incorporation. The provisions of the by-laws comply with the Alberta Business Corporations Act.
- The bylaws govern such things as the holding and conduct of shareholder and director meetings, the composition of the Board of Directors, and the issuance of shares.
- The corporation will indemnify each person who acts as a director and/or officer against any costs, charges or expenses he or she may incur by reason of having been a director or officer of the corporation.
- Available in MS Word format.
- Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.
Alberta Share Classes - 2 Common, 3 Preferred Dividend Bearing
Establish the rights and privileges for common and preferred share classes of an Alberta corporation with this ready-made Schedule to the Articles of Incorporation.
- This Schedule is for the following classes of shares:
- Class A and B common voting shares;
- Class C non-voting dividend bearing shares;
- Preferred D and E non-voting redeemable retractable dividend bearing shares with rights on dissolution in priority to all other share classes.
- Available in MS Word format.
- Intended to be used in the Province of Alberta, Canada.
Alberta Share Classes - A and B Common
Create two classes of common shares for a new Alberta corporation with this Schedule to the Articles of Incorporation.
- The Schedule establishes the rights and privileges attaching to the shares, pursuant to Article 3 of the Articles, as follows:
- Class A and B common voting dividend-bearing shares,
- rights on dissolution to rank pari passu (in other words, both classes rank equally).
- The Schedule must be attached to the Articles of Incorporation and submitted to Corporate Registry.
- This document is intended for use solely within the Province of Alberta, under the provincial Business Corporations Act.
Alberta Share Classes - Preferred Redeemable Dividend Bearing
Incorporate an Alberta corporation with common and preferred share classes by attaching this Schedule to the Articles of Incorporation.
- Class A common voting shares;
- Class B common non-voting shares;
- dividends on common shares to be declared contemporaneously;
- Class C preferred non-voting dividend bearing redeemable shares with rights on dissolution in priority to other classes;
- Class D preferred non-voting shares, with rights on dissolution in priority to the common shares.
Alberta Articles of Incorporation Schedule for Share Classes A and B Common, C and D Preferred, available in MS Word format. Download, edit as necessary, print for filing with Corporate Registry.
Alberta Share Classes - Voting, Nonvoting and Redeemable
Create voting, non-voting and redeemable share classes for an Alberta corporation with this Schedule to the Articles of Incorporation
- The Schedule sets out the rights and restrictions attaching to the following classes of shares:
- Class A and B voting dividend bearing shares;
- Class C and D nonvoting dividend bearing shares;
- Class E nonvoting redeemable retractable dividend bearing shares, with rights on dissolution in priority to other classes;
- Class F voting redeemable retractable nondividend bearing shares, with rights on dissolution in priority to other classes except Class E shares.
- The Schedule must be attached to the Articles of Incorporation or Amendment and submitted to Corporate Registry in accordance with the Business Corporations Act (Alberta).
- Available in MS Word format.
Annual Corporate Resolutions | Canada
Prepare the Annual Resolutions of the shareholders and directors of a Canadian business corporation with this package of forms.
- In small privately held corporations, it is common to pass Resolutions instead of holding a formal annual meeting, to deal with all the business that must be covered in the corporation's annual meeting.
- This package is a convenient time-saver for corporate lawyers and paralegals. It contains the following template forms:
- Resolution of the directors appointing the corporate officers and approving the financial statements.
- Resolution of the voting shareholders approving the financials and electing the directors.
- Resolution of all of the shareholders appointing auditors or waiving the audit requirement.
- Cover letter to be sent by a law firm to its corporate clients, enclosing the forms and giving instructions to the client.
- This package of Canada Annual Resolutions Forms can be used for federal companies and in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Yukon and Northwest Territories. French language translation required for Quebec.
Bylaws of Business Corporation | Canada
Download this template Bylaw Number One (General Bylaw) for a Canadian corporation.
- A corporation's bylaws set out how the business of the corporation will be conducted.
- These bylaws set out:
- how shareholder meetings are to be called and held, and the procedure for voting,
- procedures for calling, holding and voting at meetings of the board of directors,
- how officers will be appointed and what the duties of each officer are,
- indemnity of directors and officers by the corporation with respect to actions taken by them in discharging their duties,
- how notices and other corporate documents are to be signed.
- This Bylaw template can be used for Canadian companies incorporated under a Business Corporations Act, whether incorporated federally or provincially. This form is not valid in Quebec.
- Available in MS Word format.
- Intended to be used only in Canada.