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Australia Long Form Franchise Disclosure Document
Provide a long form franchise disclosure document to your franchisees and potential franchisees with this free Annexure 1, in accordance with the Australia Franchising Code of Conduct.
- All franchisors operating in Australia, whether domestic or foreign, must comply with the requirements of the Code.
- The long form disclosure applies to businesses with an actual or expected annual turnover of $50,000 or more at any time during the term of the franchise.
- The disclosure form provides franchisees or potential franchisees with detailed information about the corporation, the business, the franchise agreement, financial history, etc to help them make an informed decision with respect to buying a franchise or renewing an existing agreement.
- The disclosure document must be provided to the franchisee at least 14 days before they sign a franchise agreement, along with a copy of the agreement and the Code.
This Australia Long Form Franchise Disclosure Document is Annexure 1 to the Franchising Code of Conduct. Updated to reflect 2010 amendments.
Checklist of Franchisor Requirements
Are you planning to franchise your business? Get this free Checklist to find out if your business model meets the minimum requirements to be a franchisor, including:
- the history of the business and experience of its principals,
- profitability of your business model,
- level of documentation, training and support you're able to provide franchisees.
The free Checklist of Franchisor Requirements was compiled by a franchise specialist. Download your copy today!
First Refusal Right for New Franchises
Give your franchisees the right of first refusal on new locations within their territory with this free form, which you can download or copy and paste from the text below.
The Franchisor, __________, and the Franchisee, _____________, as set forth in their Franchise Agreement on _____________, _______________, ______________ and as witnessed by __________________ [name of witness], have agreed to the following additional terms and conditions:
In the case of exclusive distribution rights given to the Franchisor, the Franchisee has the option of first refusal of any new or additional locations of said business located at the following address:
Franchisee may or may not grant permission of additional business locations without the written and express consent of franchisor in the following described territory: _______________________________, until such time as described _____________________________. Franchisee must comply with written notice of Franchisor to refuse or accept intent. Failure to respond will allow Franchisee the right to exercise option.
Dated the _______ day of _____________________, 20___.
Signature of Franchisor
Signature of Franchisee
Franchisee Profile Questionnaire
Franchisors, use this 4-page Franchisee Profile Questionnaire to gather information from applicants to help you recruit suitable franchisees for your system.
- Applicants must provide information and answer questions to help the franchisor get an understanding of the applicant's:
- previous business experience,
- business acumen,
- management potential,
- creativity,
- decision-making abilities.
- The form is available in MS Word format and is easy to customize to fit your circumstances.
- This is a generic document template which can be used anywhere.