Bills of Sale for Spousal Trust Asset Transfer | Canada

Prepare four Bills of Sale for an asset transfer into a spousal trust, for use only in Canada.

This package contains bill of sale templates for the following:

  1. a transfer of assets from the spousal trust to an individual,
  2. a transfer of assets from the individual to a holding company,
  3. a transfer of assets from the holding company to an international investment corporation,
  4. a transfer of assets from the investment corporation to the trust.

The forms are available in MS Word format and are fully editable. Governed by Canadian laws and intended to be used only in Canada.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 13-January-2025
SKU: 4122
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Share Exchange Agreement for Reorganization | Canada

Issue new shares to shareholders in exchange for their existing shares with this downloadable template for Canadian corporations.

  • A share exchange of this nature is done as part of a corporate reorganization.
  • The parties to the Share Exchange Agreement are the corporation and all of the shareholders.
  • The shareholders agree to exchange their existing shares for new shares of a particular class following the reorganization.
  • The template also includes Directors and Shareholders Resolutions which are required to authorize the share exchanges.
  • Intended to be used only by corporations incorporated in Canada.

Trust Agreement for Shares

Transfer ownership of shares to a trustee with this Trust Agreement for Shares.

  • The trustee will hold the shares as a bare trustee on behalf of the beneficiaries of the trust.
  • Aside from holding the shares in trust, the trustee has no other duties to perform.
  • The trustee will not be paid any compensation for acting as trustee.
  • This is a generic legal form which is not country specific.
  • The Trust Agreement for Shares is a downloadable and fully editable template in MS Word format.

Change of Directors Package | Canada

Prepare the corporate documents necessary to approve a change of directors for a Canadian corporation with this Change of Directors Forms Package.

  • The package contains the following template forms:
    • Resignation of the outgoing director.
    • Consent of the incoming director to act in that capacity.
    • Resolutions of the directors and shareholders of the corporation accepting the resignation of the outgoing director and appointing the incoming director to replace them.
  • These forms can be used for federally incorporated companies and for provincial corporations incorporated under a Business Corporations Act.
  • These are English language forms which will require translation for use in Quebec.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in Canada.

Trust Agreement for Land

Prepare a Trust Agreement for Land with this downloadable template form.

  • The agreement is between a trustee corporation and a party that wants to purchase the land.
  • The trustee corporation agrees to hold the land as bare trustee on behalf of the purchaser, which will be the beneficial owner.
  • This is a generic legal form which does not contain references to any specific statutes.
  • The Trust Agreement for Land is available in MS Word format and is fully customizable to meet your requirements.

Directors Resolution Converting Common Shares

Download this template Directors' Resolution form which authorizes a corporation to convert a shareholder's common shares into another class.

  • The Board of Directors of the corporation pass the resolution to convert common shares held by a shareholder into shares of another class, on a one-for-one basis.
  • The resolution presupposes that the corporation's articles allow for such a conversion.
  • This is a generic template which does not refer to the laws of a specific country and can be used in either the USA or Canada.
  • The Directors Resolution Converting Common Shares is downloadable in MS Word format and is fully editable.
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