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Trademark Application Form 4 - Proposed Use | Canada
Prepare a trademark application based on proposed use in Canada with this free template Form 4 from CIPO.
- "Proposed use" means that the mark is not yet in use, but is intended to be used in the future.
- The form must be filed with the Trade Mark division of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).
- The Form 4 Trademark Application can be prepared by following the instructions given with the template, or can be downloaded or submitted online via the CIPO website.
Checklist for Trade Mark Application | Canada
Track all the steps you have taken in submitting a trade mark application to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office with this easy-to-use Checklist for Trade Mark Application.
- Use the checklist to record:
- document filings,
- correspondence and
- other steps taken during the application to the Trade Mark division, and
- includes steps for follow-up after the trade mark has been registered.
- This free downloadable form is available as a MS Word template.
- This checklist only considers the procedure for applications made in Canada.