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The Trust Structure in Canada
Learn about the trust structure in Canada in this free expert guide.
The guide provides an overview of the structure of a trust, the advantages of a tax structure as a vehicle for income splitting and tax planning for residents of Canada, and the characteristics of specific types of discretionary trusts, such as:
- spousal (family) trusts;
- trusts for minor children;
- trusts for adult children;
- trusts for long-term maintenance of a handicapped child;
- spendthrift trusts.
The Trust Structure in Canada is information for Canadian residents and is copyright by the author.
Trusts and Tax Planning in Canada
Learn about the various trust structures available to Canadians, and their tax benefits to the individual or business.
- This guide contains information on:
- family trusts (bearer, inter vivo or "living" trusts and testamentary),
- real estate investment trusts (REITs),
- royalty trusts,
- income trusts.
- The guide contains information relevant to Canadian residents and is available in Adobe PDF format.
Cutting Through Life Insurance Chaos in Canada
Cutting Through Life Insurance Chaos in Canada is a 14-page information package for Canadians.
This package is provided to help you understand:
- the jargon of life insurance,
- the benefits of having good life insurance coverage,
- how to determine whether you need it and how much you need,
- types of personal and business life insurance available,
- term life, whole life, and universal life insurance,
- disability, buy-sell and key man policies.
Get your free copy of Cutting Through Life Insurance Chaos in Canada and find out how to make life insurance part of your financial planning.