Florida Condominium Lease Agreement

Rent a Florida condo unit to a tenant with this Florida Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • The lease contains clauses prohibiting smoking and pets in the condo unit. The lease can be easily edited to remove these clauses if not applicable.
  • The tenant must not make any alterations to the condominium without the written consent of the landlord.
  • The lease contains a radon gas disclosure in compliance with State law.
  • The tenant is responsible for obtaining his ⁄ her own insurance to cover personal property.
  • If the condominium is abandoned by the tenant, the landlord may retake possession of the unit and has the right to dispose of any of the tenant's property which has been left behind.

Protect your investment property and comply with your HOA rules by having your tenant execute this Florida Condominium Lease. To download the digital form, add it to your cart and pay for it through our secure checkout process.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 7864