India Detailed General Power of Attorney

Appoint someone as your attorney to manage your business and financial affairs for you while you are out of the country with this Detailed General Power of Attorney for India.

This 10-page Power of Attorney form gives your attorney broad powers to deal with many matters on your behalf, including:
  • managing and running businesses,
  • signing documents and obtaining certificates and other required forms,
  • acting as a partner in partnerships,
  • buying, selling, leasing and mortgaging property,
  • paying taxes and charges on property,
  • collecting rent and loan payments, and filing suit for recovery of such amounts,
  • constructing or demolishing buildings and obtaining all the necessary approvals and permits,
  • attending meetings and voting your shares as your representative,
  • buying and selling stocks, bonds, or other securities,
  • commencing legal actions,
  • opening and operating bank accounts,
  • setting up trusts and acting as trustee,
  • generally acting in any capacity you would act, on your behalf.
The form also allows you to appoint a substitute attorney to take over these powers if your attorney should become unable to do so.

This India Detailed General Power of Attorney form is provided in MS Word format and includes instructions for completing and signing the form so that it is legal under Indian law.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 7747
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India General Power of Attorney

Appoint an agent (attorney) to handle your affairs while you are out of the country with this General Power of Attorney for India.

This 5-page Power of Attorney form gives your attorney the power to deal with many matters on your behalf, including:
  • banking and financial transactions,
  • executing deeds, cheques, contracts, and other documents as required,
  • buying, leasing, selling, mortgaging and otherwise dealing with real estate properties,
  • dealing with corporate shareholdings,
  • filing tax returns.
This Indian General Power of Attorney form is provided in MS Word format and contains instructions for proper signature and notarization to ensure that the form is valid in India, whether it is signed in India or in another country.

Last Will and Testament | India

Prepare a Last Will and Testament for an Indian resident with this fully editable template.

  • If you have property, investments, stocks or other assets - whether in India or in other countries - you need to make a Will to ensure that those assets are distributed according to your wishes.
  • This easy-to-use Last Will and Testament form is written in accordance with the Indian Succession Act.
  • The Will includes instructions and guidelines on how to execute the Will and have it property attested in order to ensure that it is valid.
  • This India Last Will and Testament form is available as a fully editable MS Word document.