Mexico Real Estate Contract Between Natural Person and Corporation

Buy and sell real estate property in Mexico with this Real Estate Purchase & Sale Agreement Between Natural Person as Seller and Mexican Corporation as Buyer.

  • Parties. The parties to the Agreement are (i) the individual(s) who are selling it and (ii) a corporation incorporated under Mexican law.
  • Purchase Price. The purchase price is payable in US dollars. The buyer pays a 10% deposit at the time of signing the Purchase & Sale Agreement, with the balance due on closing.
  • Breach of Contract. If the buyer rescinds due to a breach by the seller, the buyer is entitled to a penalty fee of 10% of the purchase price. If the seller terminates due to a breach by the buyer, the seller is entitled to keep the deposit as the penalty fee.
  • Expenses. The buyer is responsible for paying all expenses relating to the transfer of the property, except for capital gains and value-added taxes.
This Mexico Real Estate Purchase & Sale Agreement Between Natural Person as Seller and Mexican Corporation as Buyer template is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your circumstances. English-language version only at this time.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 7328