Letter of Intent Template | New Zealand

Sometimes in the course of a business transaction, it's beneficial to put a letter of intent in place to protect the interests of the parties. This template Letter of Intent is for New Zealand.

  • Purpose. The Letter of Intent ensures that everybody has the same understanding of the terms and conditions discussed by the parties before a formal written agreement is entered into. It also signifies the parties' commitment to complete the deal.
  • Not Legally Binding. The Letter of Intent is not a legal contract and is not legally binding other than to the extent specifically stated in the document.
  • Exclusive Negotiations.The parties agree that during the course of the negotiations, they will not entertain any offers from or conduct any discussions with any other party with respect to the subject matter of the letter of intent.
  • Confidentiality. The parties also agree to mutual confidentiality provisions.
  • Break-up Fee. Each party agrees to pay a break-up fee to the other party in the event that they break off negotiations for any reason other than by default by the other party.
  • This letter of intent template is prepared for use in New Zealand.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 19-May-2021
SKU: 6313