Ontario Certificate of Substantial Performance of Contract

ON contractors, prepare a Certificate of Substantial Performance of Contract under Section 32 of the Ontario Construction Lien Act with this ready-made template.

  • The form certifies that a contract for supply of services or materials for improvements to a property has been substantially performed, and is issued by either the payment certifier (if any), or jointly by the owner and contractor (if no payment certifier).
  • Available as a free fillable PDF form.
  • For use only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.
Document Type: Adobe PDF
Last Updated: 28-September-2022
SKU: 7695
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Ontario Claim for Lien

ON contractors, file your lien claim with this Ontario Claim for Lien Form 12.

  • The Claim is made under Section 34 of the Construction Act.
  • The form includes instructions to help you complete it.
  • Available as a fillable MS Word form.
  • Provided by Ontario Court Services.

Construction Project Cost Estimate

Work up a cost estimate for a commercial construction project with this easy 2-page template for principal contractors.

  • The first section is for costs within the 5-foot line.
  • The second section covers utility costs outside the 5-foot line, site clearance, sitework, parking, etc.
  • The third section contains spaces for base index, AE award, and contract award details.
  • Also included are sections for contingency reserves, additional project costs, exclusions, and construction schedule.
  • The Construction Project Cost Estimate form is so easy to use. You can fill it in by hand or on your laptop or tablet. Download your copy now.

Fixed Price Construction Contract with Warranty | Canada

Canadian contractors, use this template to prepare a Fixed Price Construction Contract with Warranty for Canada.

  • The contract includes a warranty by the contractor on materials and labour used in the construction.
  • The contractor is responsible for Workers Compensation, public liability and property damage insurance, and all perils insurance, and indemnifies the owner against claims arising as a result of the contractor's operations.
  • Changes to the work which are not included in the Construction Contract will be on the basis of either (i) a stipulated sum or (ii) actual cost plus a percentage.
  • Disputes will be submitted first to the architect, and failing settlement, to arbitration.
  • The contract is available as a fully customizable MS Word document.
  • Intended to be used only in Canada.

Statutory Declaration of Progress Payment Distribution by Subcontractor | Canada

Canadian subcontractors, make sure you get your progress payments on time with this free Statutory Declaration of Progress Payment Distribution by Subcontractor.

  • The Declaration states that all amounts for labour, products, services, equipment, etc incurred by the subcontractor for the job have been paid, except for holdbacks, deferred and disputed amounts.
  • A Declaration form must be provided to the general contractor for each progress payment.
  • This is the Canadian Construction Documents Committee Standard Construction Document Form CCDC 9B.

Basement Renovation Price Quote and Contract

Write up a price quote for a basement renovation with this template form, which becomes a binding contract when signed by both parties.

  • Fully editable so you can customize it for your business.
  • Includes scope of work, exclusions, draw dates, and other terms and conditions.
  • The template can be firstly as a price quotation, and when agreed to in writing by both parties, it becomes the renovation contract.
  • Buy, download and use it as often as you like.
  • This Basement Renovation Price Quote and Contract form is available in Microsoft Word format.