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    Ontario Smoke Free Policy for Rental Building


    Create a Smoke Free Policy for a multi-unit rental building with this easy downloadable template for Ontario landlords.

    • The policy is consistent with the requirements of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the Residential Tenancies Act.
    • Smoking is prohibited throughout the rental premises and common areas, with the exception of designated outdoor smoking areas (if any - this is optional).
    • All new leases will contain no smoking provisions. Existing tenants will be allowed to smoke within their rental units unless they consent to opt into the policy.
    • Staff and contractors are required to comply with the policy and with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
    • Persons who are registered to use medical marijuana are exempt from the policy within the confines of their own unit, but recreational cannabis use is governed by the policy.
    • Failure to comply with the policy can result in termination of the tenancy and in the case of a contractor, termination of the service contract.
    • This Smoke Free Policy refers to specific provincial laws and is intended for use only within the Province of Ontario.
    Download Type: Microsoft Word
    Last Updated: 18-July-2024
    SKU: 7837
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    Ontario Agreement to Increase Rent Above Guideline


    Ontario landlords, has your tenant consented to a rent increase that is more than the rent increase guideline?

    Both of you should sign this Agreement to Increase Rent Above the Guideline form and file it with the Landlord and Tenant Board. The form sets out:
    • the amount by which the rent will be increased,
    • instructions on completing the Agreement, and
    • details on how the Agreement can be cancelled.
    This free Ontario Agreement to Increase Rent Above Guideline form is a fillable PDF form issued by the Landlord and Tenant Board. Form N10 (31/01/2007).