Parenting Agreement for Same Sex Couple

Prepare a Parenting Agreement for a same sex couple who want to have a child with this downloadable template form.

  • Scope of Agreement. The contract sets out the parties' intentions as to how the child will be raised.
  • Decision Making. The partners will share equally in the responsibilities of rearing, educating, loving and disciplining the child, and will jointly make decisions regarding the child's health and welfare.
  • Separation. If the partners separate at some point, they will each do their best to ensure that the child maintains a close relationship with both parents and that they continue to share in the costs and responsibilities of the child's upbringing, regardless of which parent the child lives with.
  • This is a generic legal form which is not specific to any country, state, province or region.
  • This Parenting Agreement for Same Sex Couple template is in MS Word format and is fully editable to meet your needs.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 01-September-2022
SKU: 7562
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Sperm Donor Agreement and Waiver of Rights

Prepare a Sperm Donor Agreement and Waiver of Parental Rights with this downloadable template contract.

  • Parties. The parties to the Agreement are (i) a woman who wants to conceive a child through artificial insemination, and (ii) a man who has consented to donate sperm for the insemination procedure.
  • Parental Rights. The sperm donor agrees that he will have no parental rights to the child, and will not demand custody or visitation rights.
  • Child Support. The woman agrees that she gives up all right to any child support (financial, emotional or otherwise) from the donor.
  • Paternity Suits. Both parties waive their rights to bring suit against the other to establish paternity of the child.
  • identity of Father. The parties also agree that no father will be named on the birth certificate, and that neither of them will reveal the identity of the donor as the natural father.
  • Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to refer any disputes to binding arbitration.
  • This is a generic legal contract which is not specifically governed by the laws of any country. It is a downloadable MS Word template which can be revised and used as many times as required.