Saskatchewan Cohabitation Agreement

After 2 years of living together, common law couples in Saskatchewan have the same rights and obligations under the law as married couples. You can change that by signing a Cohabitation Agreement.

  • A cohabitation agreement gives you a chance to establish who owns what property. For instance, each partner would continue to own the assets that they owned when they entered the relationship.
  • Any property jointly acquired by the parties would be divided equally between them if the relationship ends, or would be sold and the sale proceeds split evenly.
  • The Agreement contains a provision that each partner is responsible for his or her own debts and financial obligations.
  • The partners will be jointly responsible for raising, supporting and caring for any children they have together.
  • Before signing the Agreement, you and your partner must get independent legal advice from a lawyer. A Certificate of Independent Legal Advice for each party is included as part of the document, and must be signed by the lawyer.
  • This legal form is available as a downloadable MS Word template.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 11-March-2024
SKU: 8001
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Complete Legal Will Kit | Canada

Have you made a Will yet? If you were to die without a Will, your loved ones will have to pay court costs and legal fees to administer your estate.

  • If you own real estate or other assets, whether in Canada or outside of the country, you need to have a Will to make sure your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes.
  • This complete Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan for Canadian residents includes everything you need to make your will:
    • Last Will and Testament form, with instructions to help you complete the document. Special instructions for Quebec.
    • Guide to Making a Will in Canada, which contains information and things you need to know to help you through the process of preparing your Will.
    • Legal Requirements for each province and territory.
    • Will Information Sheet which is a checklist of information you will need to compile in order to complete your Will.
    • Organ Donor Information.
    • Estate Plan and Questionnaire developed by a financial planner, to help you decide how you want all your property, investments, stocks and other assets to be preserved during your lifetime and distributed after your death.
    • How to Choose an Executor and a Guardian for Minor Children.
    • Affidavit of Execution of Will forms for Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Yukon.
  • Download your complete Canada Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan immediately after purchase.