Sound and Lighting Contracting Agreement

Hire sound and lighting technicians and equipment for live performances with this Sound and Lighting Contracting Agreement.

  • The Agreement sets out the date(s) and time(s) at which set-up, sound check, and tear down of the sound and lighting equipment must take place.
  • The concert promoter is responsible for supplying security personnel and adequate electrical power and other requirements for the concert.
  • The concert promoter will provide venue passes and parking for the sound engineer, lighting technicians, and other necessary personnel.
  • This template is downloadable and fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 05-July-2022
SKU: 5211
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Music Publishing Agreement

Obtain publishing rights for an original piece of music with this easy-to-use Music Publishing Agreement template for the USA and Canada.

  • Transfer of Rights. A composer sells and transfers all of its right and title to an original musical composition (including copyright) to the music publisher, in return for a percentage royalty on the sales of printed sheet music and recordings, licensing fees and performance royalties.
  • Changes and Derivations. The publisher has the right to edit, retitle, change and make derivative works of the composition.
  • Indemnification. The composer indemnifies the publisher against any copyright infringement claims.
  • The template includes a Short Form Copyright Assignment form.
  • This Music Publishing Agreement template can be used in either the United States or Canada.

Booking Agreement with Nightclub

Whether you're a booking agent or a band leader who books your own gigs, you can use this downloadable Booking Agreement to book a club engagement for a band or musical artist.

  • The nightclub contracts for the services of a band, singing act, or musician for a specific period of time (a week, a month, etc) or for a specified number of performances. Provisions of the Agreement include:
    • what happens if the nightclub defaults in its obligations;
    • time and length of the band's breaks or intermissions;
    • rules applying to the performance, such as dress, behavior, general conduct;
    • commission payable to the booking agent (if applicable);
    • a blank contract rider form, which can be used to add additional terms for either the club or the band.
  • You can personalize the agreement for each club or venue and tailor it especially for your agency (or for your band, if you don't use an agent).
  • Available in MS Word format.

Recording Studio Services Contract

Write contracts for the bands, singers and musicians who rent your studio with this template Recording Studio Services Contract.

  • The services provided under the contract include studio time, a recording engineer, and any additional services required by the musical artist during the recording session.
  • The artist agrees to pay a cancellation fee if sessions or services are cancelled on short notice.
  • The recording studio will not release the master until all fees and charges are paid.
  • The artist is liable for any damages caused by the artist or his/her personnel or guests.
  • All artists must abide by the Terms and Conditions for Use, which are included with the contract.
  • This is a reusable legal form. Buy it, download it, customize it for your business, use it as often as you require.
  • Get a signed Recording Studio Services Contract before the sessions start. You'll sleep better.

Songwriter Work-For-Hire Contract (non-exclusive)

Recording companies can engage songwriters on a work-for-hire basis to supply musical compositions under the terms of this non-exclusive Songwriter Contract.

  • The songwriter agrees to write songs on a work-for-hire basis for the record company.
  • The recording company in turn agrees to record the songs in sessions with any of its various artists.
  • The agreement covers only those songs written on a for-hire basis for the recording company, and excludes any other material written by the songwriter.
  • The songwriter has the right to assign any songs to a performance rights society (ASCAP or BMI) and to receive all monies paid by the society.
  • This digital template can be used in both the United States and Canada.
  • Available in MS Word format.
$12.49 $11.99

Standard Uniform Popular Songwriters Contract | USA

Acquire the publishing rights to a songwriter's musical composition with this USA Standard Uniform Popular Songwriters Contract.

  • The songwriter transfers his rights to the song over to the music publisher. In return for those rights, the publisher pays the songwriter royalties on the sale of the music.
  • The contract is subject to any existing agreements between the parties and ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers).
  • The music publisher agrees not to license any use of the composition without the consent of the songwriter.
  • The publisher agrees to publish the song within a certain time period, failing which the songwriter can demand return of the song.
  • The songwriter has the right to examine all books and accounts relating to the composition.
  • This is a fully editable, reusable document template in MS Word format.
  • Governed by U.S. laws and intended to be used within the United States.