UK Non-Assured Tenancy Agreement (furnished premises)

Do you have a furnished house or flat to let? Prepare the required paperwork for a tenant with this UK Non-Assured Tenancy Agreement template.

  • The tenant agrees to pay council taxes, gas, electric, phone, water and television charges for the dwelling.
  • The tenant must keep the premises and furnishings clean and in good order and repair, and must replace any items that are lost or damaged.
  • The landlord's consent is required for alterations or redecorating.
  • The landlord must maintain the exterior of premises, water and heating installations in good condition and repair, and must keep the property adequately insured.
  • If the tenant is in breach of the Agreement, the landlord has the right to take possession and determine the tenancy.
  • The template also comes with an Inventory Form listing the furnishings and other items included in the lease.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in England and Wales.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 16-November-2024
SKU: 5372