Directors Resolutions to Form Audit Committee | Canada

Pass resolutions to form an audit committee with this set of Directors' Resolutions for a Canadian corporation.

  • The resolutions deal with all matters relevant to the formation of the committee, including:
    • appointing the members of the audit committee,
    • determining how and when the committee will meet,
    • establishing how the audit committee will carry out its duties, and
    • setting procedures for the committee's reports to the Board.
  • These template resolutions can be used by any business corporation incorporated under a Business Corporations Act throughout Canada, including the federal Act.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 08-June-2022
SKU: 6193
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Independent Contractor Agreement | Canada

Reduce your employer contributions by hiring workers as contractors instead of employees with this Independent Contractor Agreement for Canadian businesses.

  • The independent contractor is responsible for remitting their own payroll deductions and taxes and for filing their own GST returns (if applicable).
  • The contractor is not eligible for the company's employee medical benefits, pension fund or other incentive plans.
  • The contractor agrees not to disclose or use any of the company's confidential information disclosed to the contractor during the term of the contract.
  • This engagement contract template can be used in most Canadian provinces and territories except for Quebec.
  • You can cut costs and increase your monthly cash flow by retaining staff on a contractor basis. Buy and download the Independent Contractor Agreement for Canada today.

Organizational and Minute Book Forms Package | Canada

Download this package of minute book forms to organize a Canadian business corporation.

This package contains the forms that the Business Corporations Act requires a corporation to keep in its Minute Book, including:

  1. a set of corporate By-laws;
  2. organizational resolutions of the initial directors and shareholders;
  3. Consent to Act forms to be signed by each director and / or officer of the company;
  4. a register of share transactions to record the initial share issuances;
  5. shareholder ledgers, to be filled out for each shareholder;
  6. register of directors and managers of the corporation.

The Canada Organizational and Minute Book Forms Package is downloadable and easy to use, and contains everything you need to organize a new corporation.


Partnership Agreement for Professional Corporations | Canada

Form a partnership between two professional corporations with this template Partnership Agreement for Canadian businesses.

  • Application. The Partnership Agreement can be used by legal, accounting, architectural, consulting, medical or other professionals to help share the costs of the practice, as opposed to operating as a sole practitioner which can be much more costly and constitute a much larger business risk.
  • Operations and Capital Contributions. The partners mutually agree on how the business and operations of the partnership will be conducted, and the responsibilities and capital contributions of each of the partners.
  • Debts and Liabilities. Each partner is responsible for paying his/her own debts, and must keep the partnership property and the interests of other partners free from claims or demands.
  • Assignment. Partners cannot assign their partnership interest or incur liabilities which might put their interest in danger of attachment.

Purchase the Canada Partnership Agreement for Professional Corporations by adding it to your cart and checking out. You'll be able to download it and use it at your leisure.


Annual Corporate Resolutions | Canada

Prepare the Annual Resolutions of the shareholders and directors of a Canadian business corporation with this package of forms.

  • In small privately held corporations, it is common to pass Resolutions instead of holding a formal annual meeting, to deal with all the business that must be covered in the corporation's annual meeting.
  • This package is a convenient time-saver for corporate lawyers and paralegals. It contains the following template forms:
    1. Resolution of the directors appointing the corporate officers and approving the financial statements.
    2. Resolution of the voting shareholders approving the financials and electing the directors.
    3. Resolution of all of the shareholders appointing auditors or waiving the audit requirement.
    4. Cover letter to be sent by a law firm to its corporate clients, enclosing the forms and giving instructions to the client.
  • This package of Canada Annual Resolutions Forms can be used for federal companies and in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Yukon and Northwest Territories. French language translation required for Quebec.

Directors Resolution to Authorize Employee Bonuses | Canada

Pass a Directors Resolution authorizing the payment of employee bonuses with this easy template for Canadian corporations.

  • The Board of Directors authorizes bonuses be paid to certain employees, in specified amounts.
  • The Board also sets the remuneration to be paid to the directors.
  • This Directors Resolution template can be used by federal companies and by companies incorporated in any province or territory of Canada that has a Business Corporations Act. A French translation is required for use in Quebec.
  • This downloadable template form can be reused as often as you like.