Film Production Safety Guidelines

Safety rules are essential on a film shoot. Prepare a set of Production Safety Guidelines with this easy-to-use template, and pass it around to everyone at your regular safety meetings.

  • These guidelines are not suggestions - they are mandatory, and must be followed by all cast and crew during filming, whether on location or in the studio.
  • The Guidelines cover:
    • ways to prevent injury and illness on set;
    • safety rules that must be strictly followed;
    • reporting violations or hazards;
    • safety meetings and records of meetings;
    • disciplinary action for violations;
    • how to prepare injury / illness reports;
    • responsibility of employees for safety of themselves and others.
  • Failure to educate your employees and contractors about proper safety measures could leave you liable in the event of death or injury.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 01-September-2022
SKU: 6481
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Casting Sheets for Principal Actors and Extras

Write up a casting sheet for each of principal actors and extras in a film or television production with these template forms.

  • A casting sheet must be completed for each member of the cast and kept on file with the business office.
  • The file contains two templates:
    • one for principal actors,
    • one for bit players and extras.
  • The Casting Sheets for Principal Actors and Extras are downloadable easy-to-use MS Word templates which can be used anywhere.

Film Crew Contact Sheets

Make up your contact sheets for the cast and crew of a film or TV production with these downloadable forms.

  • The file contains two templates, one to be used for cast and one for crew members.
  • Fill in each contact sheet with the names of everyone involved in the filming, their phone, cell and pager numbers and emails at which they can be reached.
  • This is a reusable digital template which can be filled in on a PC or laptop, or printed off in blank form and filled in by hand.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Injury Report Form for Film Productions

Film sets can sometimes be dangerous, and accidents happen. Report any injuries sustained during production with this Injury Report Form for film and television productions.

  • A separate report form should be filled out for each injury connected with the shoot in any way, whether it occurs on or off set.
  • The form must be completed by a witness to the incident.
  • This is a reusable form - download it, save it as a template, use it as often as you require. It can be filled out by hand or on a computer, tablet or mobile device.
  • Buy the Film Production Injury Report Form, download it, and give copies to all departments.

Film Location Contact List

Are you doing location filming? You need this Film Location Contact List.

  • When on location, your crew needs a list of the property owners and other persons that would need to be contacted if there were any problems (lost keys, no access, damage to property, etc).
  • Fill out the form with the relevant information for each person and provide copies to every department.
  • The form is a MS Word template which can be filled in electronically or by hand.
  • Reusable and customizable.

Cast and Crew Call Sheets for Film and Television Productions

Prepare Cast and Crew Call Sheets for a film or television production with these template forms.

  • Use the call sheet forms to keep track of:
    • the names of all cast and crew from all departments (including extras and stand-ins),
    • cell phone numbers,
    • set calls,
    • shuttle calls,
    • makeup calls,
    • advance shooting,
    • shoot times and wrap times.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Customizable and fully editable.