Florida Self Storage License Agreement

Write a customer contract for a Florida self storage facility quickly and easily with this template Self Storage License Agreement.

  • The lease can be for 1 year or month to month.
  • The renter agrees not to store property in the unit that is valued above an agreed-upon value.
  • The renter grants the facility a first priority lien over the renter's goods in storage, as security for the renter's performance under the agreement.
  • The facility has the right to lock out the renter if fees or charges remain unpaid for more than 5 days after due.
  • No hazardous, toxic or dangers materials are to be stored on the premises.
  • The renter must provide its own insurance.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the State of Florida.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 11-December-2023
SKU: 5027