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Last Will of Louis XVI, King of France
Download a copy of the last will and testament of French King Louis XVI (1754-1793).
- Louis XVI was King of France from 1774 to 1792. Louis' reign ended in the face of the French Revolution.
- He tried to redress the social injustices that had made the monarchy hated, but came to be influenced by his extravagant queen Marie Antoinette and the aristocracy, who blocked reforms intended to end widespread poverty.
- Louis XVI and his wife were executed on the guillotine.
Charles II of Spain Last Will and Testament
Download a free copy of the Last Will and Testament of Charles II of Spain (1661-1700).
- Charles II was the last Habsburg King of Spain and the ruler of large parts of Italy, the Spanish territories in the Southern Low Countries, and Spain's overseas Empire, stretching from Mexico to the Philippines.
- Charles was noteworthy for his extensive physical, intellectual, and emotional problems - which contributed to his ineffectual rule - as well as his role in the developments preceding the War of the Spanish Succession.
- Historians Will and Ariel Durant wrote that Charles II was "short, lame, epileptic, senile, and completely bald before thirty-five, he was always on the verge of death, but repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live."
- Towards the end of his life Charles became increasingly strange, at one point demanding that the bodies of his family be exhumed so he could look upon their corpses.
Source of biographical information:
Darius I of Persia Last Will and Testament
Download a free copy of the Last Will and Testament of Darius I (550BCE-486BCE), king of Persia.
- Darius I (also known as Darius the Great) was the third king of kings of the Achaemenid Empire. Darius held the empire at its peak, then including Egypt, and parts of Greece. The decay and downfall of the empire commenced with his death and the coronation of his son, Xerxes I.
- Darius ascended the throne by assassinating his predecessor Gaumata with the help of six other Persian noble families; Darius was crowned the following morning. The new emperor met with rebellions throughout his kingdom, and quelled them each time.
- A major event in Darius' life was his expedition to punish Athens and Eretria and subjugate Greece - an attempt which failed.
- Darius expanded his empire by conquering Thrace and Macedon, and invading the Saka, Iranian tribes who had invaded Medes and even killed Cyrus the Great.
- Darius organized the empire by dividing it into provinces and installing governors to govern each region. He organized a new monetary system, and made Aramaic the official language of the empire. Darius also worked on construction projects throughout the empire, particularly in Susa, Babylon, and Egypt. Darius created a codification of laws for Egypt.
Biographical information taken from
Napoleon Bonaparte Last Will and Testament
This is a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I) (1769-1821).
- Napoleon, French emperor and military genius, established his reputation during the Revolutionary wars in northern Italy.
- His marriage in 1796 to Josephine de Beauharnais helped him to political power.
- In 1799 he was appointed First Consul, then in 1892 became Consul for life and was virtual dictator of France, crowning himself Emperor in 1804.
- After campaigns against Austria and Russia drained his strength and virtually destroyed his Grand Army, Napoleon abdicated in 1814. He was defeated at Waterloo in 1815 and imprisoned on St. Helena, where he died.