Pour Over Will | USA

Are you planning to use a Living Trust to avoid probate after your death? Be sure none of your property gets excluded from the trust with this USA Pour Over Will.

  • The purpose of a Pour Over Will is to ensure any property that has been intentionally or unintentionally left out of your trust during your lifetime will be transferred upon your death.
  • The Pour Over Will is not designed to reduce inheritance taxes payable by the beneficiaries of your estate.
  • It can ONLY be used in connection with creating a Living Trust.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • This form is for United States residents only.
  • A Pour Over Will is essential when putting estate assets in trust.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 13-January-2025
SKU: 4199
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Complete Legal Will Kit | USA

If you were to die without a Will, your loved ones will have to pay court costs and legal fees to administer your estate. Don't let that happen. Get your complete USA Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan.

  • The USA Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan package contains everything you need to make your will:
    • Last Will and Testament with self proving Affidavit, with instructions to help you complete the document and special provisions for Louisiana.
    • Making a Valid Will in the United States, a guide to help you through the process of making your will and ensuring that it meets legal requirements in your State.
    • Will Preparation Checklist.
    • Glossary of legal terms commonly used in a Will.
    • Information about the duties and responsibilities of an executor.
    • Guidelines for choosing a personal guardian for minor children and a property guardian for minor beneficiaries.
  • If you own real estate or other assets, whether in the United States or elsewhere, you should have a Will to make sure your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes.
  • No need to buy multiple copies - you, your spouse or partner, and other family members can each prepare a Will using the same template.

USA Revocable Living Trust Declaration

Set up a living trust as part of your estate plan with this template USA Revocable Living Trust Declaration.

  • Placing your property in a living trust during your lifetime automatically avoids probate, and ensures that when you die your estate will be distributed to your beneficiaries.
  • The settlor's property is transferred to the trustee, who holds it in trust on behalf of the beneficiaries.
  • After the settlor's death, the trustee will pay all of the estate expenses and then distribute the remainder of the trust proceeds to the beneficiaries.
  • This is a revocable trust, which means it can be revoked in whole or in part at any time during your lifetime.
  • It should be used in connection with a Pour Over Will.
  • Also included is an Approval from Spouse form, which the settlor's spouse must sign to consent to the transfer and release all rights to the trust property.
This USA Revocable Living Trust template is available as a customizable MS Word document. For US residents only.