Film Location Contact List

Are you doing location filming? You need this Film Location Contact List.

  • When on location, your crew needs a list of the property owners and other persons that would need to be contacted if there were any problems (lost keys, no access, damage to property, etc).
  • Fill out the form with the relevant information for each person and provide copies to every department.
  • The form is a MS Word template which can be filled in electronically or by hand.

Don't go out on location until you've downloaded the Film Location Contact List.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 22-May-2021
SKU: 4555
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Film Location Agreement

Sign a contract with a property owner to use their home or land as a location in a motion picture with this Film Location Agreement.

  • The owner of the property will permit the production company to use the property in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising and promotion of the film, in return for a per diem fee.
  • The owner may also receive a screen credit, at the producer's discretion.
  • The owner agrees that the production company may make alterations to the location as required, provided that they first obtain the owner's written permission.
  • The owner indemnifies the production company and releases them from any liability, claims or demands.
  • This template is available in MS Word format and is fully customizable so it can be used on multiple locations and on subsequent film projects.

Production Requirements Checklist for Film Production

Record the production requirements for a film or television production with this easy-to-use downloadable checklist, including:

  • production staff and crew - from producer to tool maintenance,
  • support staff (craft service / catering, security, police, etc),
  • cast, stunties, bit players, extras,
  • locations requirements,
  • equipment and vehicles,
  • production forms.

This Production Requirements Checklist should be the first production form you obtain. Then as you fill each requirement, check it off the list.


Daily Production Report for Film Shoot

You can't budget properly if you don't know what each day's production is costing you. Use this Daily Production Report form to track production items each shooting day.

  • This form can be used to track:
    • crew calls,
    • script pages,
    • scenes,
    • setups,
    • retakes,
    • stills,
    • film stock,
    • in-out times,
    • meals,
    • overtime for all cast and crew,
    • extras,
    • absences,
    • delays in shooting.
  • The form also includes a daily average Production Analysis and Advance Schedule.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Film Location Scouting Report

Use this easy template to write a Location Scouting Report for a film or TV production.

The report includes:

  • Contact information for the property owners.
  • Which scenes are being considered for shooting there.
  • Day/night and interior/exterior shots.
  • What sort of security and emergency services are needed.
  • Dimensions and finishes.
  • Light sources and sound environment.
  • Access to electrical supply.
  • Facilities and parking available.
  • Special problems or considerations.

The Film Location Scouting Report form can be tailored to your specific requirements. Don't leave home without it.


Cast and Crew Call Sheets for Film and TV

Prepare Cast and Crew Call Sheets for a film or television production with these template forms.

  • Use the call sheet forms to keep track of:
    • the names of all cast and crew from all departments (including extras and stand-ins),
    • cell phone numbers,
    • set calls,
    • shuttle calls,
    • makeup calls,
    • advance shooting,
    • shoot times and wrap times.
  • Available in MS Word format.