Film Production Logs and Forms

Outfit your production office with these affordable, easy-to-use template forms for motion picture and television productions.

  • Casting and call sheets
  • Daily reports and shooting logs
  • Petty cash and expense forms
  • Script breakdowns
  • Pre-production and post-production forms
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Actor & Character Personal Props List

Create a Personal Props List for each actor in a film or television production with this free easy-to-use template form.

  • The props list allows the Props Department to track personal props by actor and/or character.
  • The tracking list helps to ensure that all the items are on set before filming each scene.
  • This is a MS Word template which can be filled in electronically or printed out in blank and filled in by hand.
  • Don't take a chance on losing or misplacing important props. Keep track of everything with this Actor and Character Personal Props List.

Adult Film Production Agreement

Hire an independent filmmaker to produce feature films and videos for the adult market with this Adult Film Production Agreement template.

  • The filmmaker (producer) will produce the films for a studio that produces and markets a variety of adult products for sale through retail outlets and online.
  • The producer agrees to produce and deliver a minimum number of films during each year of the term of the Agreement. Each film will be produced in two versions, one hard and one soft.
  • Upon payment for each film delivered, all rights in the film will transfer to the studio.
  • The producer agrees to be available for activities to promote the films, which will be paid for by the studio.
  • This is a non-exclusive contract. The producer is free to produce his own films, or to work with other studios during the term of the Agreement.
  • The Adult Film Production Agreement is a comprehensive digital template which can be customized for your unique and special circumstances.

Cast and Crew Call Sheets for Film and TV

Prepare Cast and Crew Call Sheets for a film or television production with these template forms.

  • Use the call sheet forms to keep track of:
    • the names of all cast and crew from all departments (including extras and stand-ins),
    • cell phone numbers,
    • set calls,
    • shuttle calls,
    • makeup calls,
    • advance shooting,
    • shoot times and wrap times.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Casting Sheets for Principal Actors and Extras

Write up a casting sheet for each of principal actors and extras in a film or television production with these template forms.

  • A casting sheet must be completed for each member of the cast and kept on file with the business office.
  • The file contains two templates:
    • one for principal actors,
    • one for bit players and extras.
  • The Casting Sheets for Principal Actors and Extras are downloadable easy-to-use MS Word templates which can be used anywhere.

Code of Conduct for Film Crew

Film crews aren't always welcomed with open arms when shooting on location. Write up a Code of Conduct for your crew with this easy-to-use template.

  • The Code of Conduct is to be followed by all cast and crew during filming in order to promote a harmonious relationship between the production crew and residents and businesses located in the filming area.
  • Crew members are prohibited from trespassing on any private property other than the location where shooting is scheduled.
  • Filming permits must be posted in prominent locations and residents and business owners notified when and where shooting will be taking place.
  • Restrictions and instructions regarding parking, trash removal, smoking, etc.
  • The location must be restored to its original condition after shooting wraps up.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Costume Size Sheet for Film Production

Create Costume Size Sheets for each cast member in a film or television production with this template form for the wardrobe department.

  • The worksheet tracks:
    • each actor's size for all items of clothing,
    • sizes for hats and gloves,
    • hip and bust measurements.
  • The Costume Size Sheet for Film or TV Production template is an affordable option for projects with teeny budgets. Download a copy for your wardrobe department.
  • Available in MS Word format. Fully customizable and reusable.

Daily Mileage Sheet (Film or TV Production)

If your crew members are using their own vehicles during production, have them track their mileage with this free Daily Mileage Sheet, which logs:

  • the starting point and destination for each trip,
  • the purpose of each trip,
  • total miles or kilometers traveled each day.
Once the form is filled out, it's signed by the employee, approved by the appropriate parties and submitted to the accounting department.

Print out multiple copies of the Daily Mileage Sheet and make them available to the crew on your film / television production.


Daily Production Log for Film Production

Prepare a Daily Production Log on a film or television production shoot with this easy-to-use free form for tracking:

  • number of scenes shot,
  • number of script pages shot,
  • gross and print film footage shot,

on each shooting day for the duration of filming.

Download the Film Production Daily Production Log form - it's free so no matter how small your production budget is, you can afford it!


Daily Production Report for Film Shoot

You can't budget properly if you don't know what each day's production is costing you. Use this Daily Production Report form to track production items each shooting day.

  • This form can be used to track:
    • crew calls,
    • script pages,
    • scenes,
    • setups,
    • retakes,
    • stills,
    • film stock,
    • in-out times,
    • meals,
    • overtime for all cast and crew,
    • extras,
    • absences,
    • delays in shooting.
  • The form also includes a daily average Production Analysis and Advance Schedule.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Extras Breakdown Sheet for Film Production

Do an extras breakdown for or TV production with this downloadable form.

  • The breakdown sheet can be extended for as many shooting days as are on the schedule.
  • The breakdown tracks how many and what type of extras and background are required for each script page.
  • This is a digital form that can be filled in on a laptop or tablet or used as a pre-printed sheet to be completed by hand.
  • Get a copy of the Extras Breakdown Sheet for your casting director.

Film and Tape Log for Film Production

Record details of each film or tape reel with this free Film and Tape Log for Film Production form.

  • The log form tracks which reel of film or roll of tape each scene and take is recorded on during filming.
  • The form can be filled in on a computer and printed, or used as a preprinted form to be filled in by hand.

The Film / Tape Log sheet is a fully editable film production form. Ideal for student filmmakers.


Film Crew Contact Sheets

Make up your contact sheets for the cast and crew of a film or TV production with these downloadable forms.

  • The file contains two templates, one to be used for cast and one for crew members.
  • Fill in each contact sheet with the names of everyone involved in the filming, their phone, cell and pager numbers and emails at which they can be reached.
  • This is a reusable digital template which can be filled in on a PC or laptop, or printed off in blank form and filled in by hand.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Film Location Agreement

Sign a contract with a property owner to use their home or land as a location in a motion picture with this Film Location Agreement.

  • The owner of the property will permit the production company to use the property in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising and promotion of the film, in return for a per diem fee.
  • The owner may also receive a screen credit, at the producer's discretion.
  • The owner agrees that the production company may make alterations to the location as required, provided that they first obtain the owner's written permission.
  • The owner indemnifies the production company and releases them from any liability, claims or demands.
  • This template is available in MS Word format and is fully customizable so it can be used on multiple locations and on subsequent film projects.

Film Location Contact List

Are you doing location filming? You need this Film Location Contact List.

  • When on location, your crew needs a list of the property owners and other persons that would need to be contacted if there were any problems (lost keys, no access, damage to property, etc).
  • Fill out the form with the relevant information for each person and provide copies to every department.
  • The form is a MS Word template which can be filled in electronically or by hand.

Don't go out on location until you've downloaded the Film Location Contact List.


Film Location Fire Safety Inspection Checklist

Before shooting begins, have the location manager complete this Film Location Fire Safety Inspection Checklist.

  • The inspection should be conducted to ensure maximum protection of all cast and crew and to reduce the production company's liability for loss or damage claims.
  • Use the checklist to record information about:
    • permits required,
    • access, exits and fire lanes,
    • designated parking areas,
    • special effects requiring pyrotechnics,
    • any flammable materials to be used on site,
    • welding, cutting and grinding,
    • electrical and lighting,
    • smoking restrictions,
    • firefighting materials and fire safety measures to be employed.
  • Don't take chances with the lives of your cast and crew. Get a copy of the Film Location Fire Safety Inspection Checklist for your location department.

Film Location Scouting Report

Use this easy template to write a Location Scouting Report for a film or TV production.

The report includes:

  • Contact information for the property owners.
  • Which scenes are being considered for shooting there.
  • Day/night and interior/exterior shots.
  • What sort of security and emergency services are needed.
  • Dimensions and finishes.
  • Light sources and sound environment.
  • Access to electrical supply.
  • Facilities and parking available.
  • Special problems or considerations.

The Film Location Scouting Report form can be tailored to your specific requirements. Don't leave home without it.


Film Production Health and Safety Manual

There are a lot of people working on every film or TV production. As the producer, it's your job to keep them safe. Make sure they all have a copy of this Film Production Health and Safety Manual.

The Manual details the procedures that must be followed by all cast and crew during filming to reduce the risk of accident and injury and to comply with applicable laws and regulations governing workplace safety, including:
  • filming in and around vehicles (cars, aircraft, trains),
  • working with animals,
  • excavation, demolition, construction,
  • firearms and other weapons,
  • hazardous ⁄ toxic substances,
  • cranes, hoists, elevating platforms,
  • lighting and electrical safety,
  • outdoor, wilderness and water locations,
  • personal protective gear and clothing,
  • stunts and special effects,
  • fire, smoke and fog.

Implementing health and safety measures not only reduces accidents and injuries, it may lower your insurance premiums. The Film Production Health and Safety Manual should be part of every production company's employee documentation.


Film Production Safety Guidelines

Safety rules are essential on a film shoot. Prepare a set of Production Safety Guidelines with this easy-to-use template, and pass it around to everyone at your regular safety meetings.

  • These guidelines are not suggestions - they are mandatory, and must be followed by all cast and crew during filming, whether on location or in the studio.
  • The Guidelines cover:
    • ways to prevent injury and illness on set;
    • safety rules that must be strictly followed;
    • reporting violations or hazards;
    • safety meetings and records of meetings;
    • disciplinary action for violations;
    • how to prepare injury / illness reports;
    • responsibility of employees for safety of themselves and others.
  • Failure to educate your employees and contractors about proper safety measures could leave you liable in the event of death or injury.

Film Production Shooting Schedule

Indie filmmakers can track their daily shooting schedule with this downloadable template for film and television productions.

  • The schedule sheet breaks down each day's shooting by:
    • scene numbers, day/night, interior/exterior, location and action shot,
    • page numbers and total pages shot,
    • cast, extras, animals,
    • props, set dressing, special equipment, vehicles,
    • sound, camera, additional labor,
    • costumes, makeup,
    • visual and special effects,
    • video and music playback.
  • Available as a customizable and reusable MS Word template.

Film Production Standard Operating Procedures

Make sure all your cast and crew know what the standard operating procedures are for your film production. Write them up using this customizable template which covers procedures for:

  • approvals;
  • day calls;
  • overtime and upgrades;
  • daily production reports;
  • purchases and purchase orders;
  • petty cash and check requisitions;
  • payroll and time sheets;
  • personal vehicle and box ⁄ kit rentals;
  • recoverable assets;
  • promotions;
  • per diem and incidentals on out-of-town locations;
  • traffic accidents and tickets;
  • cell phones;
  • office supplies and furniture;
  • safety and personal injury;
  • production loss or damage;
  • lost or stolen property.

You could write up your own set of Standard Operating Procedures for the production. Or you can buy and download this one and save yourself countless hours of work. Tough decision, huh?


Film Project Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture to develop and produce an original motion picture with this Film Project Joint Venture Agreement template.

  • Ownership of all property, assets and intangibles such as rights in the screenplay, the picture, merchandising, and publishing rights will be held by the joint venture.
  • The joint venturers will contribute capital and services to the joint venture as required to complete the project.
  • Net profits or losses generated by the motion picture will be allocated among the joint venturers in proportion to their capital contributions. Tax credits and deductions will be allocated equally.
  • The joint venturers will have equal control and authority over all decisions and matters concerning the joint venture and the development and production of the film project.
  • Each of the joint venturers are entitled to a screen credit as producers of the film.
  • The joint venturers will not be required to devote their time exclusively to the film project, provided that they devote as much time as is required to fulfill their obligations to the joint venture.
  • Upon the death, incapacity or disability of a joint venturer, then (subject to tax consequences) the joint venture will continue as a limited partnership with the successor-in-interest of the deceased or disabled joint venturer as a limited partner. The limited partner will not be entitled to vote or participate in partnership business, but must give consent to the disposition of the joint venture's property.
  • You can easily tailor this Film Project Joint Venture Agreement to fit your unique circumstances. Buy and download the digital template, use it as often as you require.

Film Project Joint Venture Dissolution Agreement

Dissolve and terminate a joint venture which was set up to produce a motion picture with this Film Project Joint Venture Dissolution Agreement.

  • The property of the joint venture will be liquidated and the proceeds applied to payment of outstanding debts and expenses.
  • Any remaining balance will be allocated among the co-venturers in proportion to their capital contributions.
  • Copyright in the screenplay and the motion picture produced by the joint venture will be held and owned jointly by the co-venturers.
  • All revenues received from the picture, including merchandising and spin-off rights, will be shared equally by the co-venturers.
  • If a co-venturer wishes to sell its copyright interest, the other co-venturer will have a first right of refusal to acquire the interest.
  • If a co-venturer wishes to use the screenplay in connection with another project, the other co-venturer will be given an opportunity to participate.

Once all the purposes of the joint venture are fulfilled, it's time to close out the JV. Have all of the parties sign this Film Project Joint Venture Dissolution Agreement to make it official.


Guide to Film & TV Production Department Roles

For novices in the film and television industry, the roles of the various departments and people involved in movie / TV production can be confusing. This free guide explains the role of each member of the production team, including:

  • The key creative team (producer, director, screenwriter).
  • The production department (executive producer, line producer, production manager, etc).
  • The script department (story producer, script editor, script co-ordinator).
  • The location department (location manager, location assistant, scout).
  • The camera department (DP/cinematographer, camera operator, 1st assistant camera operator, etc).
  • The sound department (sound recordist, boom operator).
  • The grip department (key grip, best boy, dolly grip).
  • The electrical department (gaffer, best boy, lighting technician).
  • The art department (production designer, art director, set designer, props master, etc).
  • The hair and make-up department (make-up artist, hairdresser).
  • The wardrobe department (costume designer, costume supervisor, costume standby, etc).
  • Post-production (film editor, assistant editor, colorist, etc).
  • Visual effects (FX supervisor, compositor, roto artist, etc).
  • Post-production sound and music (sound designer, dialogue editor, sound editor, etc).
  • Other production crew (casting director, storyboard artist, caterers, etc).
  • Interactive media (producer, designer, developer, etc).

The free Guide to Film & TV Production Department Roles is a valuable learning tool for anyone just starting out in the movie business. Download your copy now.


Injury Report Form for Film Productions

Film sets can sometimes be dangerous, and accidents happen. Report any injuries sustained during production with this Injury Report Form for film and television productions.

  • A separate report form should be filled out for each injury connected with the shoot in any way, whether it occurs on or off set.
  • The form must be completed by a witness to the incident.
  • This is a reusable form - download it, save it as a template, use it as often as you require. It can be filled out by hand or on a computer, tablet or mobile device.
  • Buy the Film Production Injury Report Form, download it, and give copies to all departments.

Loss and Damage Report for Film Production

If any items or equipment on a film shoot are lost or damaged, this Loss and Damage Report form should be filled out and submitted to your department head.

  • Crew members can use the Loss and Damage Report to file a report of theft, loss or damage to sets, props, costumes, tools, set dressing, greens or equipment during the film shoot.
  • The form will then be used as backup documentation for an insurance claim.
  • The report lists the person(s) responsible (if known) and any witnesses to the incident.
  • The department head is responsible for submitting the report to the production manager.
  • The Film Production Loss and Damage Report form is an essential part of the insurance claim documentation. Download this free sample and give copies to all departments.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully editable so you can customize it to fit your needs.

Motion Picture Lock Agreement

Prepare a Motion Picture Lock Agreement with this free template for film producers.

  • This is a simple 1-page contract available in MS Word format.
  • Downloadable, fully editable.
  • This is a free generic form that can be used anywhere.

Parking Expense Log for Film Production

Print copies of this Parking Expense Log for employees on a movie or TV production.

  • The sheet must be filled out by an employee who has paid for parking out of his/her own pocket.
  • Once it's filled in, the sheet should be submitted to the production accounting office for reimbursement.

Independent films often have no budget to speak of. Luckily the Parking Expense Log is free, so go ahead - download it.


Petty Cash Expense Report for Film or TV Production

Create petty cash reports for each department of a movie or TV production with this template Petty Cash Expense Report.

  • The report tracks all petty cash payments made during the reporting period, and the reason for each disbursement.
  • Space is provided to balance the receipts and cash on hand with the amount of the advance.
  • The form can either be filled in on a computer, or printed out and completed by hand.

The Petty Cash Expense Report template is an affordable downloadable form that can help you keep your production office costs on budget.


Post Production Time Sheet for Film Shoot

Track the hours of post production work on a motion picture with this Post Production Time Sheet form.

Use the Time Sheet to record:
  • daily time in ⁄ out, including meal breaks,
  • a weekly summary of regular hours, overtime and double time,
  • penalties,
  • meal breaks not taken.

Get the Post Production Time Sheet form and make copies available to all of your post team.


Production Requirements Checklist for Film Production

Record the production requirements for a film or television production with this easy-to-use downloadable checklist, including:

  • production staff and crew - from producer to tool maintenance,
  • support staff (craft service / catering, security, police, etc),
  • cast, stunties, bit players, extras,
  • locations requirements,
  • equipment and vehicles,
  • production forms.

This Production Requirements Checklist should be the first production form you obtain. Then as you fill each requirement, check it off the list.


Production Services Agreement for Motion Picture

Hire a production services company to supervise production of a motion picture project with this Production Services Agreement.

  • The producer (financier) will provide the financing for the picture, and the production service provider will oversee the operations of the film production, in line with the approved budget and production schedule.
  • The service provider will be paid an amount equal to the financing required to produce and deliver the film.
  • The financier will have right of approval over all expenditures and all business and creative decisions relating to the picture.
  • The service provider will contract with all personnel, suppliers, film labs, licensors, etc. in its own name and not as the agent for the financier.
  • As security for delivery of the picture, the production service company pledges all of its right, title and interest in the picture to the financier. The financier will be the sole owner of the copyright for the picture.
  • If the film goes significantly over budget, or if an event occurs which might permit a takeover by the completion bond company, or if the service provider defaults, the financier has the right to take over production of the picture.
  • When all elements of the picture have been delivered, or if the financier exercises its takeover rights, the service provider will assign all of its rights in the picture to the financier.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Add the Motion Picture Production Services Agreement template to your production contract forms.

Production Vehicle Inspection Reports for Film Shoot

Make sure your production vehicles are in good running order with this package of Vehicle Inspection Reports for film and television productions. The package contains inspection forms for:

  1. camera truck,
  2. cube van or truck,
  3. passenger van,
  4. grip truck,
  5. pickup.
Each form has diagrams for indicating any damage to the vehicle, and a fill-in section to track gas, oil, fluids, condition of tires, battery, and electrical.

Download the Production Vehicle Inspection Reports for your production office forms library. Routine maintenance inspections reduce downtime and keep repair costs down.


Props Breakdown Sheet for Film Production

Do a props breakdown from the script of a film or TV production with this easy digital template.

  • You can use this worksheet to break down the props required by:
    • set and location,
    • interior or exterior,
    • day / night.
  • The form is available in MS Word format. It is fully editable and can be customized for each project.
  • Fill it in on your laptop or tablet, or print out hard copies that can be filled in by hand when you don't have access to your device.

Script Breakdown Sheet for Art Department

This free template is a blank script breakdown sheet for the art department on a film production.

  • Every scene can be broken down by:
    • day/night and exterior/interior,
    • location,
    • cast (principal actors and extras),
    • animals,
    • stunts,
    • wardrobe, hair and makeup,
    • props, set dressing and greens,
    • vehicles,
    • special equipment,
    • special effects,
    • sound effects,
    • music,
    • production notes.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Shot List Log for Film Production

Track the day's shooting during filming of a movie or TV production with this free Shot List Log form, which you can use to record:

  • shooting date,
  • shot and scene numbers,
  • type of shot,
  • one-line descriptions.

The Shot List Log works great as a pre-printed form. Print multiple copies and fill them out by hand. Or fill in the digital form on your laptop or tablet.
