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PIPEDA Privacy Policy for Hotel Website | Canada
If your hotel website originates in or does business in Canada, you are required to post a Privacy Policy on the site in accordance with PIPEDA.
- Any website that gathers and stores personal information from site visitors for any purpose - such as for making hotel room reservations - must have a privacy policy that complies with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
- This Privacy Policy template covers the following topics:
- what types of personal information are requested,
- how the website uses that information,
- when and how cookies are used to gather statistical information,
- under what circumstances customer information is used by third parties in connection with the hotel website,
- the website's obligation to release information to authorities if required by a court order or legal process,
- what security measures the website uses to protect personal information of site visitors,
- how to opt out of the website's mailing list.
- where visitors can find information on PIPEDA.
- Make sure your hotel website complies with the requirements of PIPEDA. Download the Canada PIPEDA Privacy Policy and post it on the site.
- Available in MS Word format.
Hotel Management Agreement
Hire a manager or management company to run the operations of your hotel with this comprehensive Hotel Management Agreement.
- The hotel manager agrees not to provide services to any competing business within a specified radius of the hotel. (This clause is applicable if a management company is being retained to run the business.)
- The owner is responsible for ensuring that the business has adequate cash flow to pay all its operating expenses as they come due.
- The hotel manager is responsible for establishing and maintaining proper accounting systems and records.
- The hotel manager will hire all staff and negotiate all contracts, including union contracts.
- The hotel manager is responsible for preparing a yearly operating plan for the hotel.
- This Hotel Management Agreement template is generic (not country-specific) and is fully editable to meet your specific needs.
Hotel Nanny Service Contract
Hotels can offer child care services to their guests under this standard Hotel Nanny Service Contract which contains provisions covering:
- hourly rates for regular days and for holidays (based on the number of children),
- methods of payment available to the guests,
- duties of the nanny,
- information and instructions that parents must provide,
- restrictions on visitors, phone calls, room service,
- a Parent Authorization and Release, releasing the hotel from any liability arising from the guest's use of the nanny service.
The Hotel Nanny Service Contract is a generic legal form template that can be used anywhere. Buy it, download it, customize it for your establishment.
Hotel Security Services Agreement
Provide security guards to a hotel under the terms of this Hotel Security Services Agreement.
- The security company will provide security guard services on a 24/7.
- The security firm is responsible for bonding and licensing its employees and for providing the hotel with proof of licensing and current insurance.
- The security firm is responsible for hiring, training, and supervising its personnel, and for issuing them uniforms and equipment.
- The company will make recommendations to help the hotel improve security and safety on its premises.
- The security firm is responsible for paying its employees and for deducting and paying all required taxes and other employer contributions.
- Security personnel must meet a set of standards and must follow certain procedures while on duty. The firm's Scope of Services is attached as a schedule.
- To access the file, add it to your cart and check out using one of the payment methods available. You'll then be able to download and customize the template.
Ontario Hotel or Motel Acquisition Due Diligence Checklist
Conduct your due diligence business review prior to buying a hotel or motel in Ontario with this Hotel or Motel Acquisition Due Diligence Checklist.
- The checklist lists the various issues that you should review with your legal and financial advisers before proceeding with the purchase of the hotel business.
- The form includes a breakdown of which items are to be handled by (i) the lawyers, (ii) the purchaser, (iii) the vendor.
- The Checklist is downloadable and fully editable.
Buying a hotel or motel is a major investment. Download the free Acquisition Due Diligence Checklist to help you mitigate the risks.
Resort Hotel Business Plan
Put together a 3 year business plan to raise start-up capital from investors for building a year-round destination resort with this downloadable template.
- The purpose of this Business Plan is to raise the funds required for developing the resort site through the sale of lots and units to investors over multiple phases of selling.
- The resort will offer hotel accommodation, restaurant, bar, spa and other recreational facilities for visitors, as well as property management services for lot owners.
- The template includes pro forma financial projections and a Confidentiality Agreement to protect your confidential information.
- The template is completely editable so you can customize it for your investor proposal.
- Available in MS Word format.