Nova Scotia Residential Lease / Tenancy Agreement

If you own rental property in Nova Scotia, you can rent it to a tenant with this downloadable Residential Lease ⁄ Tenancy Agreement.

  • The template can be used for a house, apartment, or mobile home (manufactured home) space.
  • The Agreement can be used for either a fixed term lease (for instance, a lease term of 1 year) or for a periodic tenancy (month to month, week to week, or year to year).
  • The template includes a section for premises that are administered under a public housing program, and a set of rules and rent calculation guidelines for public housing units.
  • The lease also contains the statutory conditions required by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).

The Nova Scotia Residential Lease / Tenancy Agreement was updated January 2013 to reflect changes to the RTA. Buy and download a copy for your rental properties.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 5170