Arizona Notice of Tenant's Intent to Effect Repairs

If your Arizona rental unit needs repairs and your landlord has not done them, you can make them yourself but first you need to serve the landlord with a Notice of Tenant's Intent to Effect Repairs.

  • You can only proceed with repairs if:
    • you have already notified your landlord that the premises needs repairs, and
    • the landlord has failed to make the repairs within the time limit set by Arizona laws, and
    • you then serve this Notice of Intent on the landlord.
  • The Notice informs the landlord that the tenant intends to undertake necessary repairs of which the landlord has been notified but has not remedied.
  • The landlord will be responsible for the costs of repairs.
  • This Notice is a downloadable form which complies with the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the State of Arizona.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 04-February-2025
SKU: 4813