Directors Resolutions Redeeming Shares | Canada

Before a Canadian corporation can redeem any of its issued shares, the action must be authorized by a Resolution of the Directors.

  • Use this easy downloadable template to prepare the Resolution form.
  • By passing the Resolution, the Board of Directors authorizes the redemption of shares from a shareholder.
  • The shares will be redeemed provided that the corporation determines that redeeming the shares would not render the corporation unable to meet its liabilities.
  • A resolution for redemption of shares also requires the consent of the shareholders.
  • This corporate template can be used by federal corporations and by any provincial corporation which was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A French language translation is required for use in Quebec.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 26-October-2024
SKU: 55
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Ontario Directors Resolutions to Redeem Shares

Prepare Directors Resolutions to redeem shares of an Ontario business corporation with this package of template forms which contains:

  1. a Directors Resolution setting the redemption price of a certain class of shares,
  2. a Directors Resolution redeeming specified shares,
  3. a Notice of Redemption.

This package of Directors Resolutions to Redeem Shares comply with the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).


Directors Resolution to Issue New Shares | Canada

Prepare a Directors Resolution to authorize the issuance of new shares in a Canadian business corporation with this easy-to-use template.

  • The directors accept the subscriptions for new shares and authorize the corporation to issue share certificates to the subscribers upon payment of the share price.
  • Every time shares are issued, the directors must approve the issuance. And you can re-use this Directors Resolution form every time - just change the details of the share purchase.
  • This is a reusable digital download that will save your corporate secretary lots of time and extra work.
  • The form can be used by any privately owned corporation incorporated under a Business Corporations Act within Canada.

Minutes of Annual Shareholders Meeting | Canada

Prepare the Minutes for an annual shareholders meeting of a Canadian business corporation with this downloadable template.

  • The template covers all the matters which would be put before the meeting as resolutions, and which the shareholders would vote on, such as approving the financial statements and electing the directors for the coming year.
  • With this form, it's easy to fill in the blanks where indicated and prepare the final version of the minutes for distribution to the shareholders.
  • Writing up the Minutes of your company's annual shareholders meeting doesn't have to be tedious. Download the template and see how easy it can be.
  • Intended to be used only by companies incorporated in Canada under a provincial or federal Business Corporations Act.

Annual Corporate Resolutions | Canada

Prepare the Annual Resolutions of the shareholders and directors of a Canadian business corporation with this package of forms.

  • In small privately held corporations, it is common to pass Resolutions instead of holding a formal annual meeting, to deal with all the business that must be covered in the corporation's annual meeting.
  • This package is a convenient time-saver for corporate lawyers and paralegals. It contains the following template forms:
    1. Resolution of the directors appointing the corporate officers and approving the financial statements.
    2. Resolution of the voting shareholders approving the financials and electing the directors.
    3. Resolution of all of the shareholders appointing auditors or waiving the audit requirement.
    4. Cover letter to be sent by a law firm to its corporate clients, enclosing the forms and giving instructions to the client.
  • This package of Canada Annual Resolutions Forms can be used for federal companies and in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Yukon and Northwest Territories. French language translation required for Quebec.

Directors Resolution to Authorize Employee Bonuses | Canada

Pass a Directors Resolution authorizing the payment of employee bonuses with this easy template for Canadian corporations.

  • The Board of Directors authorizes bonuses be paid to certain employees, in specified amounts.
  • The Board also sets the remuneration to be paid to the directors.
  • This Directors Resolution template can be used by federal companies and by companies incorporated in any province or territory of Canada that has a Business Corporations Act. A French translation is required for use in Quebec.
  • This downloadable template form can be reused as often as you like.