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Directors Resolutions Redeeming Shares | Canada
Before a Canadian corporation can redeem any of its issued shares, the action must be authorized by a Resolution of the Directors.
- Use this easy downloadable template to prepare the Resolution form.
- By passing the Resolution, the Board of Directors authorizes the redemption of shares from a shareholder.
- The shares will be redeemed provided that the corporation determines that redeeming the shares would not render the corporation unable to meet its liabilities.
- A resolution for redemption of shares also requires the consent of the shareholders.
- This corporate template can be used by federal corporations and by any provincial corporation which was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A French language translation is required for use in Quebec.
Directors Resolution Appointing Officers | Canada
Appoint the corporate officers for a Canadian corporation with this template Directors Resolution.
- A business corporation in Canada must appoint officers to fill the roles set out in its by-laws (such as a president, secretary, treasurer, etc). It is the responsibility of the directors to appoint those individuals.
- The Board of Directors pass resolutions appointing the officers for the corporation and assigning duties to each officer.
- This template can be used by any Canadian or provincial corporation that was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A different form may be required in Quebec.
- This is a downloadable and easy-to-use MS Word document. You can download it immediately after purchase.
Corporate Resolutions to Approve Land Purchase | Canada
Approve the purchase of commercial land by a Canadian corporation with these template Corporate Resolutions to Approve Land Purchase.
- The directors of the corporation authorize the corporation to proceed with the purchase of the land.
- The decision is ratified and approved by the shareholders.
- You can use these Corporate Resolutions to Approve Land Purchase for any Canadian or provincial corporation that was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A different form may be required in Quebec.
Directors Resolution Declaring Capital Dividend | Canada
Declare a capital dividend for a Canadian business corporation with this template Directors Resolution form.
- For tax purposes, it's important that all resolutions are properly passed and actions taken at the correct times.
- The Board of Directors declares the capital dividend on a specific class of shares.
- The corporation makes an election under Section 85 of the Income Tax Act (Canada). The dividend does not become payable until the election is made.
- This form can be used by business corporations incorporated under a Business Corporations Act throughout Canada.
Ontario Annual Corporate Resolutions in Lieu of Meeting
Prepare Annual Corporate Resolutions of the shareholders and directors of an Ontario corporation with these easy-to-use templates.
- The directors and shareholders can pass these Resolutions in lieu of a meeting, which allows them to deal with business generally handled at an annual meeting without actually holding the meeting.
- The Resolutions deal with the following items:
- election of a new board of directors;
- appointment of corporate officers;
- approval of the financial statements;
- appointment of the auditors or, alternatively, waiving the audit requirement.
- Available in MS Word format. Fully customizable to meet your needs.
- Intended to be used only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.