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Notice Proposing Change of Terms of Statutory Assured Tenancy | Scotland
Landlords, propose a change in the terms of an assured tenancy to a new tenant with this Form AT1(L) under Scottish law.
- The form is for assured tenancies or short assured tenancies, under section 17(2) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1988.
- This Notice is to be used where the terms of the new tenancy are different from the terms of the former tenancy.
- This form is for use only by a landlord.
- Notice Proposing Terms of Statutory Assured Tenancy Different from the Terms of the Former Tenancy available in PDF format directly from the Scottish Government website.
Tenant Application for Determination of Rent | Scotland
Apply for a rent review with this free Form AT4 Tenant Application for Determination of Rent for assured tenancies in Scotland.
- Under Scottish law, tenants have the right to apply to the Rent Assessment Committee for a review of the rent they are paying, and a determination of the rent by a First-Tier Tribunal.
- Application can be made after the tenant has been served with a Notice AT2 by the landlord to increase the rent for an assured tenancy.
- Scotland Tenant Application for Determination of Rent Form AT4 available in PDF format directly from the Scottish Government website.
Tenant Application to First-Tier Tribunal | Scotland
Tenants can make an application to a First-Tier Tribunal with this free Form AT3(T) Tenant Application Form for Assured Tenancies, under Scottish law.
- You can apply to the Tribunal when your landlord has served you with a Notice AT1(L) to propose a change in the terms of the tenancy agreement.
- The application is for a determination by the Tribunal of the terms of a statutory assured tenancy and, if appropriate, the rent for the tenancy.
- This form is only for use by tenants.
- Form AT3(T) is available in PDF format directly from the Scottish Government website.