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Amended Judgment in Criminal Case | USA
Form AO245C is issued by a District Court to amend a judgment previously rendered in a criminal case
- The form states the reason for the amendment, the amended judgment, and the offenses the defendant has been found guilty of.
- These attachments are part of the Amended Judgment form:
- Sheet 1A - Additional Counts of Conviction;
- Sheet 2 - Imprisonment;
- Sheet 2A - Additional Imprisonment Terms;
- Sheet 3 - Supervised Release / Mandatory Conditions;
- Sheet 3A - Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 3B - Additional Supervised Release Terms;
- Sheet 3C - Additional Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 3D - Special Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 4 - Probation / Mandatory Conditions;
- Sheet 4A - Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 4B - Additional Probation Terms;
- Sheet 4C - Additional Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 4D - Special Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 5 - Criminal Monetary Penalties;
- Sheet 5A - Additional Terms;
- Sheet 5B - Additional Restitution Payees;
- Sheet 6 - Schedule of Payments;
- Sheet 6A - Additional Defendants and Co-Defendants Held Joint and Several;
- Sheet 6B - Additional Forfeited Property;
- Sheet 7 - Denial of Federal Benefits;
- Statement of Reasons.
- USA Amended Judgment in Criminal Case, US District Court Form AO 245C (rev 02/18).
Judgment in Criminal Case | USA
File a judgment against a defendant in a criminal case with this United States District Court form.
The form contains the following sections:
- Sheet 1, Judgment,
- Sheet 1A, Additional Counts of Conviction,
- Sheet 2 and 2A, Imprisonment and Additional Imprisonment Terms,
- Sheets 3 to 3D, Supervised Release, Additional Supervised Release Terms, Additional Standard Conditions of Supervision, Special Conditions of Supervision,
- Sheets 4 to 4D, Probation, Standard Conditions of Probation, Additional Probation Terms, Additional Standard Conditions of Supervision, Special Conditions of Supervision,
- Sheets 5 to 5B , Criminal Monetary Penalties, Additional Terms for Criminal Monetary Penalties, Additional Restitution Payees,
- Sheets 6 to 6B, Schedule of Payments, Additional Defendants and Co-Defendants Held Joint and Several, Additional Forfeited Property,
- Sheet 7, Denial of Federal Benefits,
- Attachment - Statement of Reasons.
USA Judgment in Criminal Case, US District Court Form AO 245B (rev. 09/17).
Judgment in Criminal Case for Revocations (USA)
Form AO245D, Judgment in a Criminal Case (for Revocation of Probation or Supervised Release) issued by the District Court in which the case was heard.
- The form contains the following sections:
- Sheet 1 and 1A - Judgment and Additional Violations
- Sheet 2 and 2A - Imprisonment and Additional Imprisonment Terms
- Sheet 3 through 3D - Supervised Release, Standard Conditions of Supervision, Additional Supervised Release Terms, Additional Standard Conditions, Special Conditions of Supervision
- Sheet 4 through 4D - Probation, Standard Conditions of Supervision, Additional Probation Terms, Additional Standard Conditions, Special Conditions of Supervision
- Sheet 5 through 5B - Criminal Monetary Penalties, Additional Terms
- Sheet 6 through 6B - Schedule of Payments, Additional Defendants Held Joint and Several, Additional Forfeited Property
- Personal Identification Attachment (not for public disclosure).
- Judgment in a Criminal Case for Revocations, United States District Court Form AO 245D (rev 02/18).