Software Development Agreement | USA

Prepare contracts for your clients quickly and easily with this Software Development Agreement template for US software developers.

  • The developer will provide the deliverables, training and support.
  • The developer must meet the functional specifications and delivery and installation schedule agreed to by the customer.
  • Provisions for acceptance testing by the customer.
  • After payment in full, the customer will own the software and documentation.
  • Provisions limiting the developer's liability with respect to defects in the software.
  • Warranties of the developer with respect to the software.
  • Confidentiality provisions.
  • Remedies of each party in the event of default by the other party.
  • This legal contract is governed by United States laws and regulations.
  • Available as a MS Word template. Download the form immediately after purchase.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 28-December-2021
SKU: 5125