Bids, Tenders and Proposals

Write professional Bids, Tenders, Proposals and RFPs quickly and easily with these downloadable and fully editable forms.


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General Terms Governing Bid Solicitations

Are you responsible for preparing RFPs and bid solicitations for your business? Make your life easier - download this sample set of General Terms and Conditions governing bid solicitations.

The Terms and Conditions include:

  • standards of performance that the winning service provider must attain,
  • procedure for audit and document retention,
  • compensation and payment,
  • expenditures not appropriated during the current fiscal year are subject to appropriation in subsequent fiscal year budgets,
  • events of default, consequences of a default by the bidder, and remedies available to the organization,
  • confidentiality, ownership of confidential information,
  • the bidder's representations and warranties,
  • indemnification of the company by the bidder,
  • the bidder's obligation to carry insurance, and types and minimum amounts of coverage required.

Writing RFPs doesn't have to be tedious and time-consuming. Get your copy of the General Terms Governing Bid Solicitations today and see how much easier it can be.


Letter of Intent to Respond to Call for Proposals

Submit a Letter of Intent to respond to a call for proposals with this free template.

  • The letter is not binding upon the writer.
  • The material submitted with the letter is subject to changes in form and content, including additions and deletions.
The Letter of Intent template is available in Microsoft Word format.

Proposal and Project Agreement for Development of Prototype

Prepare a Proposal and Project Agreement for the design and development of a working prototype with this easy-to-use template.

  • This sample proposal is ideal for technology products.
  • The client is responsible for providing information, reviewing all documents, and actively participating in the testing phase to ensure the prototype is in proper working order.
  • The developer must provide regular written reports and must promptly inform the client of any delays or changes to the development schedule.
  • The developer will retain proprietary rights to the technology until all fees and expenses have been paid in full, at which point ownership will be transferred to the client.
  • The developer provides a limited warranty of products and services provided.
  • The client is responsible for paying any taxes required to be paid or collected in connection with the development.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully customizable to meet your needs.

Proposal to Prepare a Feasibility Study

Consultants, write up a Proposal to Prepare a Feasibility Study in support of a business plan for a client, with this fully editable template.

  • The feasibility study will determine:
    • potential markets for the client's products and services,
    • direct and indirect competitors,
    • strengths and weaknesses of the client's business model,
    • market analysis and industry trends,
    • market entry barriers,
    • other factors which can impact upon the success of the proposed business venture.
  • This template is a generic (not country-specific) business form which can be used anywhere.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Request for Proposal for Computer System Purchase

Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase of an integrated computer system (hardware, software, diagnostic tools) from prospective vendors with this downloadable template.

  • The vendor must supply the source code, system design specifications, and source code escrow agreement.
  • The vendor must accept full responsibility as prime supplier of the computer system.
  • The customer reserves the right to require the vendor's assistance in developing the functional specifications.
  • The prices for the components must be the vendor's most favorable customer pricing.
  • Progress payments will be made upon achieving certain performance milestones, which are tied to the customer's conditional acceptance of the system.
  • The customer may require the vendor to provide financial and performance guarantees.
  • The system will only be accepted after it has passed a series of acceptance tests.
  • This template is available in MS Word format and can be easily customized to meet your unique needs.

Teaming Agreement for Proposal

Use this downloadable template to prepare a Teaming Agreement for a proposal to be submitted jointly by a prime contractor and subcontractor.

  • The parties will prepare and present the proposal in the hope of being awarded a contract to provide products and/or services to the client.
  • Each of the parties will bear its own costs and expenses, and risks and liabilities.
  • The parties' relationship is that of independent contractors. The agreement does not constitute a partnership or joint venture.
  • The agreement specifically does not provide for the sharing of profits or losses.
  • All proposal material will be submitted to the prime contractor, to be incorporated into the proposal.
  • The prime contractor will have the final decision on the form and content of all materials submitted in the proposal.
  • If the prime contractor is successful in being awarded the contract, it will award a subcontract to the subcontractor.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully customizable.