Criminal Cases
Download court forms for United States criminal cases. Many of these are free legal documents provided by the U.S. Federal Court.
- The forms provided here are used by prosecutors, defense attorneys, court reporters, and persons in custody who are seeking release.
- Forms for trial preparation, jury selection, proceedings, bail, and parole.
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Additional Conditions of Release of Defendant | USA
If there are additional conditions to a defendant's release you can add this schedule to the original Order Setting Conditions of Release in a US Federal Court criminal case.
- Additional conditions may include:
- supervisory custody,
- the defendant agreeing to actively seek employment or to start an education program,
- travel restrictions,
- avoiding contact with specified persons,
- receiving medical or psychiatric treatment,
- no use of drugs or alcohol,
- no possession of firearms,
- curfew, home detention, or home incarceration,
- such other conditions as the Court sees fit to impose.
- USA Additional Conditions of Release, United States District Court Form AO 199B (rev 12/11).
Advice of Penalties / Acknowledgement | USA
This notice advises a defendant in a criminal case of the penalties arising from any violations of the terms of their release.
- The form must be attached to the original Order Setting Conditions of Release.
- The defendant must sign the form acknowledging that they are aware of the conditions of release and promising to obey them.
- Advice of Penalties/Acknowledgement, United States District Court Form AO 199C (rev 09/08).
Amended Judgment in Criminal Case | USA
Form AO245C is issued by a District Court to amend a judgment previously rendered in a criminal case
- The form states the reason for the amendment, the amended judgment, and the offenses the defendant has been found guilty of.
- These attachments are part of the Amended Judgment form:
- Sheet 1A - Additional Counts of Conviction;
- Sheet 2 - Imprisonment;
- Sheet 2A - Additional Imprisonment Terms;
- Sheet 3 - Supervised Release / Mandatory Conditions;
- Sheet 3A - Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 3B - Additional Supervised Release Terms;
- Sheet 3C - Additional Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 3D - Special Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 4 - Probation / Mandatory Conditions;
- Sheet 4A - Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 4B - Additional Probation Terms;
- Sheet 4C - Additional Standard Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 4D - Special Conditions of Supervision;
- Sheet 5 - Criminal Monetary Penalties;
- Sheet 5A - Additional Terms;
- Sheet 5B - Additional Restitution Payees;
- Sheet 6 - Schedule of Payments;
- Sheet 6A - Additional Defendants and Co-Defendants Held Joint and Several;
- Sheet 6B - Additional Forfeited Property;
- Sheet 7 - Denial of Federal Benefits;
- Statement of Reasons.
- USA Amended Judgment in Criminal Case, US District Court Form AO 245C (rev 02/18).
Appearance Bond | USA
File an Appearance Bond to secure a defendant's appearance for court proceedings with this US Court Form AO 98.
- This form can be used for any of the following types of bond:
- personal recognizance bond,
- unsecured bond,
- secured bond, secured by cash, real property or other property, or
- bail bond with a solvent surety.
- If the defendant fails to appear, the security for the bond may be forfeited.
- The defendant and each of the sureties / guarantors must make certain declarations regarding the property securing the bond and must sign the form.
- Agreement to Forfeit Property (Other than Real Property) to Obtain Defendant's Release, United States District Court Form AO 98 (rev 12/11).
Appearance Bond of Witness | USA
Prepare an Appearance Bond for a witness in a court case with this United States District Court form.
- This is a free PDF form which can be used in any US District Court.
- The witness agrees to follow all orders of the court, to appear for court proceedings and to comply with all release conditions.
- Appearance Bond, US District Court Form AO 99 (rev. Dec 1/11)
Application for Search Warrant | USA
Apply for a search warrant with this downloadable US District Court Form.
- The application must be made by a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government.
- This is a federal court form that can be filed in any District Court by choosing the jurisdiction from the drop-down menu.
- Application for a Search Warrant, US District Court Form AO 106 (rev. 04/10).
Application for Tracking Warrant | USA
Make an application for a tracking warrant with this United States District Court Form AO 102.
- The form can be filed by a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government to seek the authority to install a tracking device to determine the location of a specified person, property or object in relation to commission of a crime or possible illegal activities.
- Application for Tracking Warrant, US District Court Form AO 102 (01/09).
Application for Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture | USA
File an application for a seizure warrant to seize property subject to forfeiture with this United States District Court form.
- This is a free PDF download which can be be filed in any District Court, by choosing the appropriate jurisdiction in the drop down menu.
- It must be completed by a federal law enforcement officer or attorney for the government.
- USA Application for Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture, US District Court Form AO 108 (rev. 06/09).
Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel | USA
Submit a claim for services and expenses under the Criminal Justice Act with this free Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel form.
- This form is for use by persons who:
- are financially unable to pay for counsel; and
- do not wish to waive counsel.
- Legal services and expenses can be entered in the table provided, and the totals will be calculated automatically.
- Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel, United States Court Form CJA 20 (rev 07/17).
Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel for Death Penalty Proceedings | USA
Submit a claim for services and expenses under the Criminal Justice Act with this free Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel form for death penalty proceedings.
- This form should be used in all death eligible cases, regardless of whether the death penalty is authorized, not authorized, or de-authorized.
- The form includes detailed instructions on how to complete it, including deadlines for submitting vouchers, criteria for claims for services and expenses, and a list of non-reimbursable items.
- Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel for Death Penalty Proceedings, United States Court Form CJA 30 (eff. Feb 1/12).