Pennsylvania 30 Day Notice to Quit for Tenancies Over 1 Year

Pennsylvania landlords, if you have grounds to terminate a long-time tenant, serve him/her with this 30 Day Notice to Quit (for tenancy of more than 1 year), pursuant to the Landlord and Tenant Act.
  • This notice is ONLY for tenancies with a term of more than 1 year where the term has expired or the tenant has not remedied a breach of the lease.
  • The tenant is required to quit (vacate) the premises within 30 days or the landlord shall file a Landlord and Tenant Complaint form with the District Justice office.
  • A Service of Notice form is included, to record the details of how the Notice was served on the tenant.
This Pennsylvania 30 Day Notice to Quit (for tenancy of more than 1 year) form is available in MS Word format, and is easy to download, fill in and print.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 6663