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    Adult Film Production Agreement


    Hire an independent filmmaker to produce feature films and videos for the adult market with this Adult Film Production Agreement template.

    • The filmmaker (producer) will produce the films for a studio that produces and markets a variety of adult products for sale through retail outlets and online.
    • The producer agrees to produce and deliver a minimum number of films during each year of the term of the Agreement. Each film will be produced in two versions, one hard and one soft.
    • Upon payment for each film delivered, all rights in the film will transfer to the studio.
    • The producer agrees to be available for activities to promote the films, which will be paid for by the studio.
    • This is a non-exclusive contract. The producer is free to produce his own films, or to work with other studios during the term of the Agreement.
    • The Adult Film Production Agreement is a comprehensive digital template which can be customized for your unique and special circumstances.
    Download Type: Microsoft Word
    Last Updated: 20-July-2022
    SKU: 8990
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