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Assignment of Commercial Lease by Tenant
Assign your business lease over to a new tenant with this Assignment of Commercial Lease by Tenant form.
- The landlord must consent in writing to the assignment of the lease, and a Consent of Landlord form is included.
- The assignor will remain liable to the landlord during the balance of the lease term for all amounts due under the Lease.
- The landlord does not give up any of its rights under the Lease by consenting to the assignment.
- The assignor releases and waives all of its rights as tenant under the Lease, but is not released from any of its obligations.
- This is a generic legal form which is not country-specific and can be used anywhere that a prescribed form is not required.
Commercial Lease Turnkey Provisions for Tenant Improvements
Add this Schedule to a commercial lease agreement to set out turnkey provisions for tenant improvements which will be made by the landlord before the commencement date.
- The landlord will build out the premises on a turnkey basis to mutually agreed design specifications.
- The landlord's financial contribution towards the tenant improvements will not exceed a specified limit. Any costs over and above that limit must be paid by the tenant.
- Any schedule delays attributable to the tenant will not extend the commencement date.
Common Area Maintenance Clause for Commercial Lease
Use this free Common Area Maintenance Clause for a commercial lease agreement to customize it for a shopping center or retail condo premises.
- Click the Download button to download the Common Area Maintenance Clause in Microsoft Word format.
- This is a free form which can be inserted into a commercial lease.
- The form does not contain references to any specific legislation and can be used in many jurisdictions.