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Parental Consent for Surgery on Minor
Get the consent of a parent for a doctor to perform necessary surgery on a child with this medical authorization form.
- The parent acknowledges having been made aware of the risks involved with the surgery.
- The parent also acknowledges that the surgeon cannot guarantee the operation will be a success.
- The parent consents to the surgery and the use of anesthetic.
- If appropriate (according to age), the minor child also signs the form.
- This is a generic legal form which is not specific to any country.
Authorization for Medical Treatment of Minor Child | USA
Authorize your child's teacher, tour coordinator, sports coach, daycare worker or other responsible adult to get medical treatment for your child with this Parental Authorization form.
- The form authorizes the adult carer to:
- administer first aid to the child in the event of a minor injury,
- procure emergency medical care if required, and
- give consent for the child to have x-rays, diagnosis or treatment if considered necessary by an attending physician.
- Available in MS Word format.
- This form was prepared for use in the United States.
USA Parental Authorization for Foreign Travel with Minor
Give written consent for your child to travel outside of the United States in the company of another adult with this USA Parental Authorization for Foreign Travel with a Minor Child.
- This form can only be used by U.S. residents.
- The parent or guardian authorizing the trip must swear that he/she has legal custody of the child.
- The parent/guardian must also attest that no divorce or custody proceedings are pending that would involve the child.
- The form must be acknowledged in front of a Notary Public.
- USA Parental Authorization for Foreign Travel with Minor Child form, downloadable MS Word template which can be re-used as often as you require.