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Complete Legal Will Kit | Canada
Have you made a Will yet? If you were to die without a Will, your loved ones will have to pay court costs and legal fees to administer your estate.
- If you own real estate or other assets, whether in Canada or outside of the country, you need to have a Will to make sure your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes.
- This complete Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan for Canadian residents includes everything you need to make your will:
- Last Will and Testament form, with instructions to help you complete the document. Special instructions for Quebec.
- Guide to Making a Will in Canada, which contains information and things you need to know to help you through the process of preparing your Will.
- Legal Requirements for each province and territory.
- Will Information Sheet which is a checklist of information you will need to compile in order to complete your Will.
- Organ Donor Information.
- Estate Plan and Questionnaire developed by a financial planner, to help you decide how you want all your property, investments, stocks and other assets to be preserved during your lifetime and distributed after your death.
- How to Choose an Executor and a Guardian for Minor Children.
- Affidavit of Execution of Will forms for Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Yukon.
- Download your complete Canada Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan immediately after purchase.
Complete Legal Will Kit | USA
If you were to die without a Will, your loved ones will have to pay court costs and legal fees to administer your estate. Don't let that happen. Get your complete USA Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan.
- The USA Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan package contains everything you need to make your will:
- Last Will and Testament with self proving Affidavit, with instructions to help you complete the document and special provisions for Louisiana.
- Making a Valid Will in the United States, a guide to help you through the process of making your will and ensuring that it meets legal requirements in your State.
- Will Preparation Checklist.
- Glossary of legal terms commonly used in a Will.
- Information about the duties and responsibilities of an executor.
- Guidelines for choosing a personal guardian for minor children and a property guardian for minor beneficiaries.
- If you own real estate or other assets, whether in the United States or elsewhere, you should have a Will to make sure your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes.
- No need to buy multiple copies - you, your spouse or partner, and other family members can each prepare a Will using the same template.
Legal Will Kit | Australia
Have you made a Will yet? This downloadable Australia Legal Will Kit includes everything you need to make your will.
- If you have property, investments, stocks or other assets - whether in Australia or abroad - you need to make a Will to ensure that those assets are distributed according to your wishes.
- The Australia Legal Will Kit contains the following easy-to-use forms:
- Last Will and Testament for Australia, with instructions to help you complete each section of the document and properly execute the Will;
- Making a Will - Frequently Asked Questions, a guide that answers many of your questions about how to make a proper Will for your state or territory, how to appoint an executor and a guardian for minor children, how to make changes to your Will, etc.;
- Estate Checklist and Worksheet for you to record all the personal information, and information about your assets and property, that is required to help you prepare your Will;
- Information about the duties and responsibilities of an executor (trustee).
- All forms are fully editable MS Word documents. Download one package of documents and it can be used by everyone in your family who wants to make a will.
- Intended for use only in Australia.
Legal Will Kit | UK
Have you made a Will yet? Do it now - buy this complete Legal Will Kit for UK residents, which includes everything you need to make your will.
NOTE: These forms are for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They cannot be used in Scotland.
- The package contains easy-to-use forms and guidelines to help you prepare your Will, choose executors, and appoint a guardian for minor children in the event both parents die.
- The UK Legal Will Kit includes the following:
- Last Will and Testament, with instructions to help you complete the document;
- Making a Will - Frequently Asked Questions, a guide that answers many of your questions about how to make a proper Will, how to appoint an executor and a guardian for minor children, how to make changes to your Will, and other common questions;
- Checklist and worksheet for you to record all your personal data and information about your assets and property that is required to help you prepare your Will, and instructions regarding funeral, burial, cremation, organ donation, etc.;
- Information about the duties and responsibilities of an executor.
- Download your United Kingdom Legal Will Kit immediately after purchase. All forms are fully editable.