Vocalist Recording Contract

Hire a vocalist to perform on a number of recordings with this exclusive Vocalist Recording Contract.

  • The vocalist will record a specified minimum number of tracks, but the record company has the option to increase the minimum number.
  • The vocalist grants the company all rights to the recordings and the right to use his/her name and image in promoting the recordings.
  • The vocalist agrees to re-record any tracks that the record company considers necessary.
  • The singer will be paid a fixed fee per recording for each recording that is acceptable to the record company.
  • This template is available as a MS Word document which is fully customizable to meet your exact needs.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 27-June-2023
SKU: 5042
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Recording Contract

Record producers can write up Recording Contracts for musical artists with this downloadable template which can be used in the United States and Canada.

  • The contract sets out the terms agreed to by the parties for the production and distribution of a master to be recorded by the artist.
  • All expenses will be paid by the record company and reimbursed from gross income from sales of the record.
  • Both parties share artistic control for the recording.
  • The record company will provide session musicians as needed.
  • The artist assigns to the record company all of its right and title in the recording and the material recorded, with an option to purchase the rights back.
  • The artist agrees to actively promote the record through live appearances.
  • Independent studios need the same kinds of contracts that major labels have. Why pay huge legal fees when you can buy this Recording Contract template, download it and customize it to suit your needs?
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Can be used in both Canada and the USA.

Recording Studio Services Contract

Write contracts for the bands, singers and musicians who rent your studio with this template Recording Studio Services Contract.

  • The services provided under the contract include studio time, a recording engineer, and any additional services required by the musical artist during the recording session.
  • The artist agrees to pay a cancellation fee if sessions or services are cancelled on short notice.
  • The recording studio will not release the master until all fees and charges are paid.
  • The artist is liable for any damages caused by the artist or his/her personnel or guests.
  • All artists must abide by the Terms and Conditions for Use, which are included with the contract.
  • This is a reusable legal form. Buy it, download it, customize it for your business, use it as often as you require.
  • Get a signed Recording Studio Services Contract before the sessions start. You'll sleep better.

Musical Artist Release of Performance on Masters

Obtain a release from a musician or vocalist whose performance is contained on a master recording with this Musical Artist Release of Performance on Masters.

  • The artist grants the record company and related parties (distributors, advertisers, affiliates, etc) the perpetual right to use the masters in any manner they see fit.
  • The artist waives the right to any claims for payment or royalties with respect to the musical performance(s) contained in the masters.
  • The file includes a section to be completed if the artist is a minor (under 18 years of age).
  • This is a generic release form which is not country-specific and can be used by record producers anywhere.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully editable.

Musical Artist Release for Use of Likeness

Record producers, obtain a release from an artist in connection with promotion of a record with this Musical Artist Release Form for Use of Likeness.

  • The artist grants the record company and related parties (distributors, advertisers, affiliates, etc) the right to use the image and likeness of the artist for purposes of advertising and promoting recordings containing a performance by the artist as a musician or vocalist.
  • The artist agrees not to make any claim against the record company for any reason, including invasion of privacy.
  • The file includes a section to be completed if the artist is a minor (under 18 years of age).
  • This is a reusable and editable release form. Buy, download, use it as often as you need to.

Music Publishing Agreement

Obtain publishing rights for an original piece of music with this easy-to-use Music Publishing Agreement template for the USA and Canada.

  • Transfer of Rights. A composer sells and transfers all of its right and title to an original musical composition (including copyright) to the music publisher, in return for a percentage royalty on the sales of printed sheet music and recordings, licensing fees and performance royalties.
  • Changes and Derivations. The publisher has the right to edit, retitle, change and make derivative works of the composition.
  • Indemnification. The composer indemnifies the publisher against any copyright infringement claims.
  • The template includes a Short Form Copyright Assignment form.
  • This Music Publishing Agreement template can be used in either the United States or Canada.