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Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel | USA
Submit a claim for services and expenses under the Criminal Justice Act with this free Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel form.
- This form is for use by persons who:
- are financially unable to pay for counsel; and
- do not wish to waive counsel.
- Legal services and expenses can be entered in the table provided, and the totals will be calculated automatically.
- Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel, United States Court Form CJA 20 (rev 07/17).
Authorization and Voucher for Payment of Transcript | USA
Prepare a Request and Authorization and Voucher for payment of a transcript under the Criminal Justice Act with this free US Courts form.
- This is a downloadable fillable PDF form.
- The form can only be used by or on behalf of claimants who are financially eligible under the CJA. The claimant's attorney must certify that payment has not been solicited from any other source.
- If authorized, the transcript services will be provided at the expense of the federal government.
- Authorization and Voucher for Payment of Transcript, United States Court Form CJA 24 (rev 01/08).
Ex Parte Request for Authorization and Voucher for Expert Services | USA
Use this US Courts Form CJA 31 to obtain investigative, expert and other services for a defendant in a death penalty proceeding.
- The form should be used for all death eligible cases, regardless of whether the death penalty is authorized, not authorized or de-authorized.
- The form includes detailed instructions as to completing the form, CJA guidelines with respect to making ex parte requests, and a breakdown of criteria for claims for services and expenses.
- Ex Parte Request for Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services - Death Penalty Proceedings, United States Court Form CJA 31 (rev 08/12).